- Comment on Yo, Duplo, what you doing on the 24th? 2 months ago:
I have both bought and been given some of these “knockoff” sets, and while the resulting build. The resulting build is pretty, but fragile. The tolerances on the bricks are bad, to the point that some required a lot of force to join, and others are so loose that they can barely carry the weight of the bricks on top. I have also consistently found at least 1 brick that wasn’t molded fully, and was therefore useless, with no spares. The colors are also usually quite uneven. The instructions are usually fairly easy to follow. But the build methods are bad. I often see bricks stacked directly on top of other bricks, with no interlocking, resulting in whole walls being able to easily fall over.
The knockoff are fine if you don’t have the money to spend on Lego, but you really also get what you pay for.
- Comment on Yo, Duplo, what you doing on the 24th? 2 months ago:
I have both bought and been given some of these “knockoff” sets, and while the resulting build. The resulting build is pretty, but fragile. The tolerances on the bricks are bad, to the point that some required a lot of force to join, and others are so loose that they can barely carry the weight of the bricks on top. I have also consistently found at least 1 brick that wasn’t molded fully, and was therefore useless, with no spares. The colors are also usually quite uneven. The instructions are usually fairly easy to follow. But the build methods are bad. I often see bricks stacked directly on top of other bricks, with no interlocking, resulting in whole walls being able to easily fall over.
The knockoff are fine if you don’t have the money to spend on Lego, but you really also get what you pay for.
- Comment on What should I bring to far-north Scandinavia? 3 months ago:
Mittens take away too much dexterity for many things. But a 3-finger glove is the perfect compromise:…/8272aca90cb09ec2c85e…
- Comment on D-Link refuses to patch a security flaw on over 60,000 NAS devices — the company instead recommends replacing legacy NAS with newer models 3 months ago:
It’s usually possible to replace the firmware of d-link routers with open alternatives, such as dd-wrt.
- Comment on Discord lowers free upload limit to 10MB: “Storage management is expensive” 5 months ago:
IPv6 does not require you to open your machine to the Internet, even without making use of a NAT. Sure you get an IP that’s valid on the whole internet, but that doesn’t mean that anyone can send you traffic.
- Comment on Student dorm does not allow wifi routers 5 months ago:
Are these restrictions set out by the ISP or the dorm?
If you don’t do business with the ISP, then you don’t have to agree to and follow their terms.
So as long as the dorms doesn’t have rules against setting up your own WiFi, then you should be well within your rights to purchase an Internet connection from another provider, but since you are likely not allowed to get your own line installed, you are probably restricted to ISPs that provide a service over the cellular network.
Of course using a cellular connection will give you worse latencies for online games, but at least you can have your own WiFi with low latency for your VR.
- Comment on Should I keep shared or separate k8s clusters? 6 months ago:
I really don’t see much benefit to running two clusters.
I’m also running single clusters with multiple ingress controllers both at home and at work.
If you are concerned with blast radius, you should probably first look into setting up Network Policies to ensure that pods can’t talk to things they shouldn’t.
There is of course still the risk of something escaping the container, but the risk is rather low in comparison. There are options out there for hardening the container runtime further.
You might also look into adding things that can monitor the cluster for intrusions or prevent them. Stuff like running CrowdSec on your ingresses, and using Falco to watch for various malicious behaviour.
- Comment on Google is discontinuing the Chromecast line 6 months ago:
No need for a physically separated network, that’s what VLANs are for
- Comment on Google is discontinuing the Chromecast line 6 months ago:
That sound like you need a more serious setup, where you can control the network priorities and set a QoS, so the devices that you use interactively get priority over the other devices.
- Comment on Google is discontinuing the Chromecast line 6 months ago:
So as far as I understand, you have
- Outer router (Comcast), which has WiFi enabled
- Inner router (your own), which has WiFi enabled, and further meshes with other WiFi mesh devices (or is the mesh separate?)
- A plain switch, for stuff you want cabled and fast
Is that correct?
Why not get the WiFi in the Comcast router disabled, and use your inner network exclusively, such that both WiFi and ethernet devices are on the same network?
That’s what I did with my network, and I even got the ISP to put their modem/router into bridge mode, so it’s completely transparent.
- Comment on Google is discontinuing the Chromecast line 6 months ago:
That makes perfect sense, and switching is definitely annoying then… But the person I responded to said they had multiple WiFi networks at home… E.g. Not on holiday
- Comment on Google is discontinuing the Chromecast line 6 months ago:
Why on earth would you have multiple WiFi networks in your home?
- Comment on Capacitive controls could be the cause of a spate of VW ID.4 crashes 7 months ago:
- Comment on LAPD warns residents after spike in burglaries using Wi-Fi jammers that disable security cameras, smart doorbells 7 months ago:
I have a few cheap cameras that can handle both WiFi and ethernet, they support an SD card, and they do continuous recording regardless of connection type.
- Comment on I'm just gonna stick to slotted, thanks 7 months ago:
You mean Pozidriv?
- Comment on ... tadaaa 10 months ago:
Are you familiar with the concept of a caffé latte?
- Comment on Homeowner baffled after washing machine uses 3.6GB of internet data a day 11 months ago:
Agreed, and this is what I have set up for mine… But this is also technologically so far out of reach for >95% of people…
- Comment on Would it be possible to run Pi-hole, Octoprint and Home Assistant on the same RPi 3 mod. B? 11 months ago:
My home-assistant installation alone is too much for my Raspberry Pi 3. It depends entirely on how much data it’s processing and needing to keep in memory.
Octoprint needs to respond in a timely manner, so you will want to have the system mostly idle (at least below 60 percent CPU at all times), preferably octoprint should be the only thing running on the system unless it’s rather powerful.
If I were you, I would install octoprint exclusively on your Raspberry Pi 3, and then buy a Raspberry Pi 4 for the other services.
I’m running Pi-hole and a wireguard VPN on an old Raspberry Pi 2, which is perfectly fine if you are not expecting gigabit speeds on the VPN.
- Comment on New UEFI vulnerabilities send firmware devs industry wide scrambling 1 year ago:
Because there’s no such thing as private address spaces in IPv6.
If your ISP is IPv6 only, then you need to enable IPv6 for your local network too, which means that every device on your network gets an IPv6 address.
You can still have a private IPv4 as well, but if your remove the IPv6 support, then you lose access too the Internet.
- Comment on Thank the EU there’s a prominent “Reject” button nowadays 1 year ago:
Damn… That is very disappointing.
- Comment on Thank the EU there’s a prominent “Reject” button nowadays 1 year ago:
Wow… How did they argue that consent was still “freely given”? And also that it is “as easy” to give as it is to withdraw consent?
- Comment on Thank the EU there’s a prominent “Reject” button nowadays 1 year ago:
Yeah, lots of pages are trying to pull that stunt, which isn’t legal according to the GDPR. Facebook and many news outlets are trying it too.
I filed a complaint about Facebook with my local data protection agency, which agreed and forwarded the case to Ireland. Well see whether Ireland conforms to the GDPR.
- Comment on European Union set to revise cookie law, admits cookie banners are annoying 1 year ago:
Yeah, definition of “legitimate interest” is definitely being stretched well beyond it’s breaking point.
- Comment on European Union set to revise cookie law, admits cookie banners are annoying 1 year ago:
And it actually is… Quote from the GDPR:
It shall be as easy to withdraw as to give consent.
- Comment on Google announces April 2024 shutdown date for Google Podcasts 1 year ago:
- Comment on Google announces April 2024 shutdown date for Google Podcasts 1 year ago:
Awesome! I actually downloaded Antenna Pod to compare, but I can’t seem to find this setting, could you point it out to me?
- Comment on Google announces April 2024 shutdown date for Google Podcasts 1 year ago:
Completely fair, it it however worth mentioning that you can disable this data collection in settings.
- Comment on Google announces April 2024 shutdown date for Google Podcasts 1 year ago:
This is exactly why I run Linux on all my computers, and run as much open-source software as I can, build my own home server, and set up my own home-qutomation. It does have a time cost, over convenience, but being able to tailor everything to my needs and wants is a wonderful feeling.
But yes, it would be wonderful if this was a more common mentality in software in general. Especially on mobile devices.
- Comment on Google announces April 2024 shutdown date for Google Podcasts 1 year ago:
Podcast Addict is not quite as streamlined, but has many more features.
- Comment on My whole night is booked now 1 year ago:
Mine is more like:
10 minutes? Oh neat, that sounds like a nice little snack, maybe a new topic to discover?
Half an hour? Oooh, this could get interesting, this could be a pretty good introduction to the topic.
An hour? Nice, someone clearly did some research and isn’t skimping in details! Time to learn something.
Six hours? Holy heck, this topic must be much deeper than I though! This person clearly did some homework and has something to say! Time to get consumed.