Wtf is an anti-Marxist communist? Is that like a swimmer that can’t swim?
Comment on unsure why we are surprised lol 10 months agoDepends on whether the person saying it is a fellow leftie or a rightwinger brainlet. To the first, it’s what you described - an anti-Marxist communist. To the second group, anyone left of Nixon. 10 months ago 10 months ago
They’re comment is wrong. But non-marxian communism exists. For example council communism.
But a Tankie is basically a Leninist/Stalinist/Maoist communist who dick rides authoritarianism. 10 months ago
I’ve always liked the idea of Council Communism, but I must admit I don’t know as much about it as I would like.
As such, it is referred to as anti-authoritarianand anti-Leninist Marxism.
I just think it’s silly to divide ourselves into camps, while we are essentially seeking the same goals. 10 months ago
while we are essentially seeking the same goals.
Authoritarian “leftists” are not seeking the same goals as other leftists. 10 months ago
Council communism is basically methadone therapy for Marxists, for those that can’t make the leap to Anarchism. Council Communism is essentially indistinguishable (in practice, theory is a bit different) from Syndicalism.
As to campism: Somehow it’s always the authoritarians calling for “left unity”, that of course meaning “follow Stalin”. No, we don’t seek the same goals, and, no, we didn’t forget the Bolsheviks allying with fascists to stab Anarchists in the back. 10 months ago
Begone, tankie. 10 months ago
I’m a white, upper middle class boomer living in America who is registered independent, but consistently voted for Democrats for the past 28 years. I did vote for Ross Perot in ‘92, because I wanted a third party. I’m as far removed from a “tankie” as you can get.
Why is wrong to think for yourself and form your own opinions? Ya’ll just want to hate on people to pretend you have some control in this chaotic world.
It makes me sad that so many want to spread hate instead of love. 10 months ago
To be fair, I only have you labaled as “tankie apologist” on my app.
And tankies poison the well, they are something to be concerned about even if worse things are happening. 10 months ago
Get some GD perspective.
That’s fucking RICH, and that’s coming from a lib who apparently only knows how to genocide for vast wealth and power. 10 months ago
IMO a tankie on the left is just a pure anti-west authoritarian cosplaying as a communist - the communism is largely window dressing and they are generally perfectly happy defending Russia (obviously not communist) or authoritarian nonsense from China and other communist countries.