Pre bathesda- 750k copies of fallout 1 and 2 combined sold.
Post bathesda- 50 million copies of fallout 3,nv, and 4 combined sold.
I mean if those numbers don’t say it for you, I don’t know what will.
By the looks of this thread, we’re a lot of nobodys.
Pre bathesda- 750k copies of fallout 1 and 2 combined sold.
Post bathesda- 50 million copies of fallout 3,nv, and 4 combined sold.
I mean if those numbers don’t say it for you, I don’t know what will.
750,000 = 0? Or did 750,000 people experience memory loss? Lmao
750k is smaller than 50 million. Keep up
Yes, very good. But you said “nobody” remembers those games. 750,000 people is not nearly “nobody” 10 months ago
PC gamers who are shitting all over Bethesda and the tv show, you’re not the target audience cause you’re unpleasable. I’ve met tons of people who’ve played fallout 3, nv and 4. But rarely meet anyone who has played 1 and 2, and I’m talking about the real world not your PC gamer forums 10 months ago
Well New Vegas was amazing, and not written BT Bethesda. 3 and 4 on the other hand were pretty weak regardless of how well they sold. 10 months ago
Oof, the further I read, the worse you sound.
PS, I’m a console gamer who was excited for 3 & 4 BECAUSE of the first two games, and I’m really enjoying the show. Which kind of throws your stereotypes and generalizations out the window. So please stop. 10 months ago
I don’t know what you’re up to, but I ain’t shitting on the Bethesda games, that’s on you.
Put it down to age. I’m sure not a lot of people who jumped in at Fallout 4 bothered to go all the way back to the beginning, but I gotta say, nothing says “PC gamer forum” like lumping every age group together and calling something dead just because you didn’t dig it. 10 months ago
Joke’s on you, New Vegas wasn’t written by Bethesda and go figure, it’s the best game in the series (alongside 1 and 2). 10 months ago
That’s like saying the Empire strikes back isn’t a star wars movie because it wasn’t written by George Lucas