- Comment on M4 Mac Mini Power Button Has New Bottom Location 4 months ago:
- Comment on IFIXIT: Victory Is Sweet - We Can Now Fix McDonald’s Ice Cream Machines 4 months ago:
I am honestly not sure if you’re joking or not
- Comment on The Most Loved Digital Audio Streaming Platforms. 5 months ago:
Neither is “loved” and “most subscribed to”
- Comment on The bizarre secrets I found investigating corrupt Winamp skins 7 months ago:
Actually, I’d love to hear from anybody younger than 30. Does this article make sense to you at all?
- Comment on Embracing the option to buy VCC with crypto aligns you with the forefront of financial innovation. 8 months ago:
- Comment on Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with the U.S., allowing him to go free 8 months ago:
Asking the real question.
- Comment on New Doom Game Could Be Announced At Xbox Showcase In June 9 months ago:
No plot needed.
To me the essence of 2016 is the scene in the beginning where an info screen tries to dump exposition on you and you chuck it into a wall.
There is plot, but you don’t need to pay attention to it. Doomguy is angry and needs to kill demons.
To me a big fumble in Eternal was trying to explain why doomguy is angry and so good at killing. He’s like an inverse Cthulhu, terrifying and unknowable, yet deeply simple. Trying to explain or understand him breaks the basis for the character.
On gameplay, I didn’t mind the changes, but I thought the embellishments were a little on the nose. The technicolor rainbow explosion of ammo when you chainsaw someone, and the increased focus on using abilities to replenish resources scream “This is a video game!” in a over the top way that I felt took away from the immersion and grit that I associate with Doom.
- Comment on New Doom Game Could Be Announced At Xbox Showcase In June 9 months ago:
2016 was brilliant for its minimalism. No plot needed, no introduction, just tight combat and metal.
You don’t improve on that more mechanics, more plot and more MTX.
- Comment on LPCAMM2 Is Finally Here, and It’s a Big Deal 9 months ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
- Comment on A large language model trained off of Lemmy would be funny 10 months ago:
I’m messing with your username, op, but I’m 100% sure that whatever you’d ask it, the answer would be to switch to Linux.
- Comment on The Fallout Bible: a collection of lore documents compiled for use in the development of the original (cancelled) Fallout 3 10 months ago:
I don’t know what you’re up to, but I ain’t shitting on the Bethesda games, that’s on you.
Put it down to age. I’m sure not a lot of people who jumped in at Fallout 4 bothered to go all the way back to the beginning, but I gotta say, nothing says “PC gamer forum” like lumping every age group together and calling something dead just because you didn’t dig it.
- Comment on The Fallout Bible: a collection of lore documents compiled for use in the development of the original (cancelled) Fallout 3 10 months ago:
By the looks of this thread, we’re a lot of nobodys.
- Comment on Microsoft reveals costs of Windows 10 end of life security update — and it might be more than you'd expect 10 months ago:
That’s not what this post is about.
I understand, and agree, with the sentiment that more people should consider Linux, but please don’t pretend the answer to every topic regarding Microsoft or Windows is “just switch to Linux”.
I have a machine running linux at home, I’m not afraid of a package manager, but Linux is not the answer to everything. Not yet at lesst.
I can’t refuse to use windows at work, and much as i would sometimes like to, I can’t just go and quit over what OS our computers run, that would end poorly for my livelihood and family. The purpose of this article is to highlight unfair behaviour by Microsoft, especially towards businesses. Telling the individual person to go switch to Linux is like telling somebody to just move to a different country because you did and like it there, instead of acknowledging their grievances.
- Comment on Kids Are Watching Brain Melting AI-Generated Videos on YouTube Without Parents Realizing 11 months ago:
Tak. Back when I was a kid, we watched hand crafted brain melting videos… On liveleak!
- Comment on 'We don't have shareholders, but we also don't think about them,' Larian Studios uses its stage time at the DICE Awards to speak out against a brutal industry climate 1 year ago:
Did you not read the damn article?
Tencent own preference stock. They could sell their stock, which could potentially harm the company, but they carry no voting power and hold no decision making power.
I am not a fan of China, nor Tencent, but spewing bile without understanding the context does NOT help this discourse.
- Comment on Beer and Wine are vegan drinks. 1 year ago:
Not vegetarian? How?
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 has won Steam's 2023 GOTY Award 1 year ago:
I think what comes across as bad delivery is intentional uncaring jadedness from Simmons part.
I felt the same way, possibly having been over-hyped by the prospect of hearing a villain voiced by the man who gave us Cave Johnson, and then… meh?
Seeing the behind the scenes footage of all the voice actors in the booth, it definitely feels like he’s trying, so maybe the lines are weird or it’s just hard to play a guy who is both figuratively and literally dead inside?
I definitely agree, Ketheric struggles a lot with delivery. I think, at the very least, that I expected him to “open the trottle” at the end and finally let loose, but he still felt restrained.
- Comment on Best of Steam 2023: The Year's Top Games measured by Gross Revenue 1 year ago:
I’m surprised to see Destiny up there, considering how good Bungie are at playing the small violin of “We are but a humble small studio, ye cannot expect us to keep up with the big boys! 'tis why we have not been able to ship new pvp maps for so long! The paaaaain! We are forced fire a bushel if employees if ye will not spendeth more!”
- Comment on STOP DOING SCIENCE - a community for memes similar to the one shown below 1 year ago:
I might be mistaken, but I think this style was pioneered by Welcome to my Meme Page.
- Comment on God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story 1 year ago:
I think the main problem with the world of Horizon is that the most interesting event in their world has already happened.
The story of Zero Dawn worked so well because it is the interwoven tale of a young woman who sets out to discover why she was cast out of her village at birth, and the almost archaeological unraveling of why the world is the way it is. When you finally piece together both the plot is almost already at it’s climax, and you are left with both the understanding of why it must be Aloy who stops the new threat to the world, and the motivation to do so.
But that doesn’t work for a sequel. The format of Zero Dawn relies on exposition about the very nature of the world, that’s why the main quest has a bunch of missions that more or less boil down to walking around an old facility and listening to recordings.
How are you going to translate that into a new sequel? Either you’ve got sequels planned already, which I find unlikely given what Forbidden West amounted to, or you need to try to invent more world building and plot. It seemed quite clear to me that Guerillas writers for Forbidden West didn’t know their own world as well as I had assumed they did. The “how did we get here” plot in Zero Dawn revolved around a small cast characters, who, with the exception of one, were all both very neuanced and strongly invested in their own plot. The Zeniths of Forbidden West come across almost as inverse Deus Ex Machina, characters who fly in from the moon with what seems like no other reason to mess up the plot “We had to find something”.
- Comment on God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story 1 year ago:
I thought the story in Horizon was fantastic. I’m a Sci-fi nerd, so that all hit home with me. The second game, not so much though. It was like they didn’t quite get why the story of the first game worked.
I have problems with God of War though. The story feels like an attempt to copy what The Last of Us did with Ellie and Joel, but without really understanding why their dynamic worked.
- Comment on 'There's almost nobody left': CEO of Baldur's Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, due to Hasbro layoffs 1 year ago:
Thank you!
I’m in a rare slump of not knowing what to read. I’ve been meaning to dig in to forgotten realms for a while, and wanted to start out with Drizt, but heard mixed things.
This is wonderful, thanks!
- Comment on 'There's almost nobody left': CEO of Baldur's Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, due to Hasbro layoffs 1 year ago:
…link? I need it.
- Comment on What Do You Want To Know About Synthesizers? 1 year ago:
which might or might not be a separate unit from the keyboard.
Funny that you mention it. Synthesizers are very much a product of university research programs. Back in the 60’s and 70’s, when synthesizers as a concept was still new, there was heated debate between the pioneers of the field (Robert Moog in New York and Donald Buchla in Berkley, California) over whether or not synthesizers should even have.
The origin of the word “synthesizer” isn’t actually “synthetic”, as many believe, but rather synthesis, as in the academic sense of the word, from the idea of breaking a sound down into it’s individual parts and reassembling them.
- Comment on What Do You Want To Know About Synthesizers? 1 year ago:
Are you sticking to only softsynths / digital, or also going into analog?
I ask because I have previously struggled with explaining why plugins and dsp stuff works the way it does (why is “saving my settings” called a patch?) without going into a long winded history lesson.
Either way, super cool!
I think I know a fair bit about both the history of synths and how they work, so if you need someone try bounce ideas off of don’t hesitate to write.
- Comment on The "i" in Linux and Linus have different pronunciations even when they shouldn't. 1 year ago:
Interesting! Do you happen to know where the -UX suffix convention came from?
- Comment on The UK tries, once again, to age-gate pornography 1 year ago:
No, not it’s not. And not even just for the lulz of having access to porn.
You wanna know why? For the same reasons that decriminalisation of drugs is has potential upsides, and for the same reasons why repression breeds kinks.
People are going to try to get porn anyway. If you force young people (or people who can’t provide ID) to resort viewing porn illegally, then it is infinitely easier for them to go browsing for porn in places that will let them find really illegal porn.
In other words, would you rather have your kids watching main stream porn, or would you like them to potentially end up on the dark web?
- Comment on The UK tries, once again, to age-gate pornography 1 year ago:
I wonder if one could make a renderer that translates ascii characters into squares of solid colours. Colour depends on the character.
Zoom out far enough and you have a bitmap.
- Comment on Whats your favorite Main Menu music? 1 year ago: