One side is clearly worst than the other on every metric possible.
And the other side consistently compromises with that worse side, time after time, never putting up anything more than a whisper of resistance. As a result, the side of lesser evil is now more evil than the side of greater evil was 50 years ago. 11 months ago
I shouldn’t need to point out the absurdity of this statement, but apparently I do: its absurd. 11 months ago
Problem is you’re doing it in defense of conservatives.
You can say “democrats are bad” when it’s relevant. Your statement isn’t relevant in any way, and that’s what makes it whataboutism. 11 months ago
But it was relevant. The comment I was replying to was saying “Republicans are bad,” so I just chimed in with “they’re all bad.”
And I’m not defending anyone. Neocons are just as bad as neolibs. My point is that we shouldn’t be so quick to believe proven liars just because they’re saying things we like to hear. 11 months ago
Well your “chiming in” included a strawman, a strawman that suggests liberals and conservatives lie the same way.
They don’t, and the differences between the two are so obvious you’d either have to be arguing disingenuously or you’re an idiot.
You were coming to the defense of conservatives the same way the others of your ilk do. “BuT bOtH sIdEs”. 11 months ago
it’s not a defense of conservatives to say they are liars. 11 months ago
No, it’s a defense of conservatives to derail the conversation into a “but both sides lie”. I’m not debating this with you troglodytes.