The reliable way to get an answer from the internet is to provide the wrong answer, then someone will come and correct you, providing the answer you seek. (Xkcd, probably maybe?)
Comment on launch him anyway 10 months ago
Faster than the speed of light.
Lol that is some shit maths for a checks note astrophysicist i am shit at maths and even i know its wrong. 10 months ago 10 months ago
This is a proven fact. Expose yourself early and often, that’s my motto. 10 months ago
Im not allowed with 500m of the supermarket after i exposed myself last time. 10 months ago
Are you arguing that 1.12 billion m/s is NOT faster than the speed of light, or are you arguing that the speed required by the kick is not 1.12 billion m/s? Because if it’s the former, the speed of light in a vacuum is 300 million m/s (to 3 significant figures), or less than one third of that kick speed. If you’re arguing the latter, I don’t feel like checking all of the calculations this early in the morning. 10 months ago
Velocity addition and conservation of momentum don’t work like that if the speeds are close to the speed of light.
For further details, please check out special relativity theory.