That’s just, like, your opinion, man.
Comment on Final Fantasy XVI PC Version In 'Final Stages Of Optimization,' Expect A Demo Before Release 11 months ago
I was really excited for it before launch but now that the dust has settled I probably won’t buy it when it hits PC. The RPG mechanics are apparently really shallow and there’s a lot of fluff and sidequests that ruin the pacing. I kept seeing gameplay and I still can’t get over how tanky enemies are too, it looks like you’d wail on one enemy for 3 minutes until it gives out.
Hopefully they can pull a FF15 and fix most of the issues with the game in patches. 11 months ago 11 months ago
Yeah I mean that’s the entire point of being allowed to comment, giving an opinion. 11 months ago
How are you going to have the screen name of “prettybunnys” and only post pictures of cats? 11 months ago
My bad, I fixed that problem. Check again. 11 months ago
If it’s three minutes for a boss, I think that’s reasonable. Do you have any examples you can show me? From what I’ve seen, the fights are pretty quick in this game. 11 months ago
The first Eikon fight (probably what you could describe as the end of the tutorial) took me almost 20 minutes to finish.
I was barely hit by her, I didn’t have to redo it, it just took fucking ages.
And yes, I was using my special abilities and not just spamming square. My wife was watching me play out of slexcitement and halfway through she literally said “oh my God why is her health bar that big this is so boring” 11 months ago
I had this same thing happen with kingdom hearts 3. Even on hard. So god damn boring. 11 months ago
Souls games are a whole different beast from this type of game. It doesn’t really prepare you for managing cooldowns and doing complex attack strings. They train you to be careful and win without taking big risks, which sounds like the strategy you executed. From what I can tell over half of that fight is cutscenes, which isn’t ideal.
I will agree with you that the gameplay seems boring though. They could have done more. I’m told that it gets better when you unlock more moves and mechanics. 11 months ago
Oh you’ll wail a lot longer than that in some cases. Some of the summon boss fights took like 30~45 mins of wailing. And yes. The RPG elements are non existent, and the side quests are incredibly shallow and boring. You are spot on. No status effects, no elemental affinities, absolutely minimal equipment and weapon systems which amount to basically making a single number go up. It was honestly embarrassing as far as gameplay goes.