Agreed. It was great game because the story, but I can barely remember anything about the gameplay aside from the interactions with Elizabeth. Sadly, my final moments were destroyed by a visual bug - right at the climax of the story near the end of the game Elizabeth’s hair inexplicably stopped rendering… She was as bald as Sinead O’Connor. It kinda killed the vibe.
Comment on What are some good games with *zero* replayability? 11 months ago
Honestly felt this way about BioShock Infinite - the gameplay was alright, but it was the story that made it good, but you only get to explore it for the first time once. I have zero plans to ever pick that one up again
Same for the latest Tomb Raider trilogy for me 11 months ago 11 months ago
I replayed it a few years ago with a meele only playthrough. I had to use the pistol a few times but all in all it was more fun than the original play through.
There is a plasmid that lets you dash into an enemies face, which I combined with perks give your sky hook shock damage and an execute. 11 months ago
Bioshock 1 had replayability for me, but the next 2 games were a bother. It’s especially annoying in Bioshock 2 when you’re expected to gather ADAM with the little girls for full completion, when the benefit of doing so doesn’t justify the time it takes. 11 months ago
I played BioShock like 3-4 times! There’s just so many ways to go through a level with different character builds!