Comment on Lemmy's Image Problem 11 months ago
This link has been posted and discussed on Reddit too.
Of course, we shouldn’t care about what people on Reddit think (and I noticed this post by chance since I log on there very rarely now), but some users in the thread genuinely ask about joining Lemmy and so I guess it’s useful to know about possible obstacles to trying it that they may perceive. 11 months ago
That OP has been crying everywhere about the Lemmy devs being mean to him. Saw a few threads of his here on Lemmy. 11 months ago
Ya, reading the GitHub issue sounds entirely like burnt out devs being abused by users. It’s a massive issue in open source.
The Late Night Linux and Linux Dev Time podcasts talked about exactly this in a recent episode. It can be extremely demoralizing to do all this work for free for a project only to be inundated by ungrateful people demanding you fix something or implement a feature they want. Many open source projects have died because of that. 11 months ago
We’re not talking about a user demanding you release a flatpak build targeting their personal linux distribution, we’re talking about an app that doesn’t include functionality for a user deleting something they uploaded.
You know what the acronym used for describing the most basic possible web app api is?
CRUD - Create, Read, Update, Delete 11 months ago
You seem to know what you are talking about. Have you made a pull request yet? 11 months ago
What we’re talking about is a complete free and open source project that’s built and maintained completely through volunteer labour.
There are zero obligations towards the people actively using the software.
While I agree that the functionality should exist, the devs can literally do whatever they want. Nobody is paying them. 11 months ago
while i think there are people like that i think this particular issue is a serious issue that should be handled properly. i think the conversation should have been much professional from both sides, but nonetheless this issue addresses a serious problem. 11 months ago
Why should it be handled professionally? I don’t necessarily disagree, but what makes you say that? This isn’t a paid job. They aren’t working for a corporation. And all of their work is voluntary for a free project. 11 months ago
That’s how a Minecraft server I ran died. Too many people telling me how to run it and trying to break things when I was asleep. 11 months ago
Ya, I know exactly what you experienced. It sucks and it’s why we can never have nice things. 11 months ago
What I truly don’t understand is why the negative eggs that you WILL ALWAYS HAVE NO MATTER WHAT, read it again, ALWAYS HAVE NO MATTER WHAT, gets so much mental attention than the many more people who are actively applauding you and saying their thanks and giving you their praises.
I will never understand the focusing on the negative I guess. It’d be easy as fuck for me to ignore people’s assholeishness while still taking their badly typed criticism and improving (if I reasonably can).
Shit, it makes me feel like the fucking champ when some random persons says thanks for something I did, and I laugh and ignore the ones who don’t like what I do.
But hey, if focusing on the few negatives instead of the mountains of praise is what you want to do, it’s all yours. 11 months ago
Imagine you get approval to build a new park and playground for your neighbourhood. You spend hundreds of hours designing the plan and layout and you spend incredible amounts of your own money to get the resources.
You get to work and things are going well. As you near the end of months upon months of work, the park finally opens for families and kids to use.
As you’re standing there proud of your work, some people come over to you. Do they say “thank you!” or “you did amazing work”? No, they come over to complain about things that are missing, tell you what you should have done better, that you didn’t accommodate their each specific needs, etc.
You would very quickly get bitter and demoralized.
Like I mentioned before: this is a massive problem in the open source development world and has killed many great projects. This has nothing to do with “mental attention” and everything to do with users abusing the devs and their time. 11 months ago
No space for muh centrism