- Comment on 👣👣👣 5 months ago:
How does the old saying go?
Ah, yes: “This is funny because it is true”
- Comment on Prisencolinensinainciusol 5 months ago:
I’m always amazed how this gibberish song managed to become popular outside of Italy and, aided by memes and frequent resharing, still being known today!
- Comment on Mozilla exits the fediverse and will shutter its Mastodon server in December | TechCrunch 5 months ago:
Even if they did so, isn’t Firefox entirely open source? At least their work could be forked (though I agree if they don’t have the resources, hardly anyone else could make it)
- Comment on Excel 5 months ago:
An old meme, with a beautiful new spin.
I’m lovin’ it!
- Comment on Are LLMs capable of writing *good* code? 6 months ago:
Wait, if you can (or anyone else chipping in), please elaborate on something you’ve written.
When you say
That means they can engineer a solution to any problem that has already been solved millions of times already.
Hasn’t Google already made advances through its Alpha Geometry AI?? Admittedly, that’s a geometry setting which may be easier to code than other parts of Math and there isn’t yet a clear indication AI will ever be able to reach a certain level of creativity that the human mind has, but at the same time it might get there by sheer volume of attempts.
Isn’t this still engineering a solution? Sometimes even researchers reach new results by having a machine verify many cases (see the proof of the Four Color Theorem). It’s true that in the Four Color Theorem researchers narrowed down the cases to try, but maybe a similar narrowing could be done by an AI (sooner or later)?
I don’t know what I’m talking about, so I should shut up, but I’m hoping someone more knowledgeable will correct me, since I’m curious about this
- Comment on Are there any popular Star Trek Day traditions? 6 months ago:
You mean like Captain Picard Day?
- Comment on What are the biggest red flags when talking with a Trek "fan"? 6 months ago:
That’s a very correct point of view. Janeway IS cool and the show had such potential, but there are so many wasted opportunities…
- Comment on What are the biggest red flags when talking with a Trek "fan"? 6 months ago:
True, but the feeling is that in general Voyager was hard to watch.
I rewatched TNG and DS9 several times from start to finish and almost skipped no episodes (though in later rewatches of DS9 I’m skipping the alternate universe ones since I can’t bear them). I tried rewatching VOY and I just can’t. Sure I can rewatch some of the awesome episodes from the show, but I can’t watch it from start to finish since I find most episodes to be cringey (even if I like most of the actors and their characters, but something doesn’t work when watching entire episodes).
Unrelated: I watched DIS until it was on Netflix (and deemed it an action TV series that’s got nothing to do with Star Trek) and watched only a few episodes of PIC until it turned into the “fellowship of the ring” with the introduction of a sword wielding elf. Should I squeeze my nose and dive into it again and try to finish it?
I’ll watch SNW as soon as I can. Still haven’t gotten around it
- Comment on What's the oldest game anyone here has played in 2024? 6 months ago:
Day of the Tentacle (1993). Admittedly, it was the remastered version from 2016 which has more modern controls, but the game is exactly the same as the old one.
It was fascinating to look at it again with more mature eyes: besides the fact that it feels a bit dated as a whole, it was funny to me to notice how much humanity loves time travel stories.
It’s not that this game is doing anything different in that regard, it’s just that I thought about how much media exists on the subject (and has been very successful).
Anyhow, although dated, the game is brilliant and wholesome and made me wonder which are the best (and recent) graphic adventure games
- Comment on Google pulls the plug on uBlock Origin, leaving over 30 million Chrome users susceptible to intrusive ads 6 months ago:
We should all probably start donating to Firefox. Isn’t Google their main source of income?
There might come a time when they prefer to gut Firefox, forcing Mozilla to either reject uBlock Origin or die (or they could simply pull the plug on funding knowing they’ll earn more when people go back to Chrome-based browsers)
- Comment on AI models collapse when trained on recursively generated data 7 months ago:
You don’t say, Sherlock
- Comment on Urban dictionary is more useful than the dictionary 7 months ago:
If you only need to look for slang expressions, that is…
- Comment on Mount Everest camp will take years to clean says local sherpa 8 months ago:
That’s truly depressing, but unfortunately I’m like with how we’re treating the rest of the planet 😔
- Comment on Algebraic Topology 8 months ago:
I know it’s a meme, but I can’t resist saying that if you check out his website, you’ll see he has all of his books and drafts available entirely for free and he also says he’s agreed with the publisher to cap the book’s price to something reasonable (which used to be true, I haven’t checked now).
He’s also nice in person of you talk to him!
It’s too bad that the meme is right and his legacy will be not having given solution to any problem 😁
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Operation Mindcrime is a gem!
- Comment on YouTube is finally cracking down on third-party apps that enable ad-blocking 10 months ago:
Don’t tell the holy secret to the world!
- Comment on We are beings made of atoms in the universe, who are studying atoms in the universe 10 months ago:
Whoa dude!
PS This is a great shower thought!!!
- Comment on Unreal Tournament 2004 20 Years Later: An LGR Retrospective 11 months ago:
This game was really awesome! I spent so many hours playing online with whoever. It had several awesome arenas.
Now you make me want to play it again!
- Comment on Millions of research papers at risk of disappearing from the Internet 11 months ago:
You’re right about Sci-Hub because of their Indian lawsuit which is very important to them, but I didn’t know that Anna’s Archive was a repository of scientific journals. Is it? I know Library Genesis (or LibGen) has a lot of scientific textbooks, but I didn’t know it had papers. Does it?
Anyhow, Anna’s Archive and LibGen are super awesome too!
- Comment on Millions of research papers at risk of disappearing from the Internet 11 months ago:
- Comment on Lemmy's Image Problem 11 months ago:
This link has been posted and discussed on Reddit too.
Of course, we shouldn’t care about what people on Reddit think (and I noticed this post by chance since I log on there very rarely now), but some users in the thread genuinely ask about joining Lemmy and so I guess it’s useful to know about possible obstacles to trying it that they may perceive.
- Comment on Playing GameCube classics, but in 4K on a Mac with PlayStation controllers, just like Nintendo intended. 1 year ago:
- Comment on Get ready — your Google Workspace subscription is about to see an unwelcome price hike 1 year ago:
I wish salaries everywhere went up with inflation and so we wouldn’t have to feel the pinch…
I know, I’m saying trivialities…
- Comment on Social networks are getting stingy with their data, leaving third-party developers in the lurch 1 year ago:
Unfortunately, when we sign up to their EULAs we “willingly” give everything up… So technically it ends up being legally theirs 🥺
- Comment on Social networks are getting stingy with their data, leaving third-party developers in the lurch 1 year ago:
Long live Lemmy!
- Comment on 🚨SIGNIFICANT, POSITIVE ANNOUNCEMENT ALERT🚨The European Mathmatical Society working with research libraries have found a way to make ALL of the research journals they publish open access, with no APC 1 year ago:
I’m Ron Burgundy?
- Comment on 🚨SIGNIFICANT, POSITIVE ANNOUNCEMENT ALERT🚨The European Mathmatical Society working with research libraries have found a way to make ALL of the research journals they publish open access, with no APC 1 year ago:
- Comment on 🚨SIGNIFICANT, POSITIVE ANNOUNCEMENT ALERT🚨The European Mathmatical Society working with research libraries have found a way to make ALL of the research journals they publish open access, with no APC 1 year ago:
Good guy EMS!
I can’t open the Mastodon link yet (not sure why) so I can’t yet understand why this would be. Still, awesome if confirmed!
- Comment on How Quora Died 1 year ago:
Here’s hoping at some point search engines will return Lemmy links when people look for answers, but we’re not there yet
- Comment on Google Search is losing its 'cached' web page feature 1 year ago:
I tried using it three days ago and had to resort to the Wayback Machine instead. Thanks Google!