Better solution is communism 11 months ago
As far as I can tell we’ve been in a recession for a long time but nobody wants to admit it.
The reserve bank/etc are burying their heads in the sand and hiding behind external factors like the price of resources overseas that artificially inflate GDP… even though they have almost no bearing on the lives of people here in Australia (I guess it’s good for our superannuation but that’s about it). 11 months ago 11 months ago
We have been in a per capita recession for ages. The govt avoids a technical recession with mass immigration.
Think of “the economy” as “rich people’s yachts” next time you hear a politician or bobble headed reporter talking about something (like immigration) being good for the economy. 11 months ago
Immigration can be good for the economy. If it’s carefully controlled, planned and, used to increase the productive capacity of the nation. Right now it’s being used to bludgeon the bargaining power of labour and inflate the housing bubble.