Mean leftist who believes in magic genders
- Comment on It's good to be federated. 11 months ago:
I don’t think we should pick our worldviews based on what’s “ridiculous”. For one thing, the very idea of determining truth as the opposite of silliness is absurd, and therefore the idea is inherently hypocritical. It instantly self-defeats and forces you to pick something else.
I believe in picking worldviews based on what’s useful. I’m always going to change reality if it helps people.
- Comment on It's good to be federated. 11 months ago:
Okay, but that doesn’t solve the causeless effect problem. The world is as much a causeless effect as perceptions without a world. So your proposed resolution to the problem is “there’s probably a world out there I’ll never know and I don’t have to reckon with its causeless effects, I just have to push the causeless effect out of my direct knowledge”?
- Comment on It's good to be federated. 11 months ago:
Ah, so your argument is there cannot be an effect without a cause. We have perceptions, so they must have causes, and you believe those causes must be a real world.
However, this is a bit of a strange thing to think. Because if there exists a world, then there exists a big bang, and we are right back at the problem of effects without causes. The argument against effects without causes does not favour realism any more than soulism.
- Comment on It's good to be federated. 11 months ago:
Correct. It was too long. I only read the first two paragraphs.
- Comment on Biden regrets using ‘illegal’ to describe Laken Riley’s accused migrant killer, fails to apologize butchering late student’s name 11 months ago:
Laws restricting immigration are unethical, unjust, and unconscionable. Illegal immigrants are heroes who deserve our respect.
- Comment on No tip 11 months ago:
Tipping rewards the boss. If the workers don’t get tipped, the boss has to make up the difference.
- Comment on It's good to be federated. 11 months ago:
If it’s unknowable, then statements about whether it secretly exists are pointless. It might as well not.
- Comment on No tip 11 months ago:
Bosses are legally required to make up the difference to minimum wage if a tipped employee doesn’t get enough tips.
If I tip a cashier, then we’re taking money away from the working class to give to the working class, which means there’s no net change. But if I refuse to tip, the boss has to make up the difference and the working class gets money from the capital class.
Therefore tipping is class treachery. You’re depriving the workers of chances to take money from the bourgeois.
- Comment on No tip 11 months ago:
Australia doesn’t do tips. I think they’re saying move to Australia or you’re a class traitor.
- Comment on It's good to be federated. 11 months ago:
I also work in science, and you don’t need to believe in objectivity to do science. I think you’re using it as a crutch for convenience.
The scientific method works no matter what your reference frame or subjective reality is. It may tell you that you hold incompatible beliefs or axioms, but there ARE multiple valid axiomatic systems to start with. Though as Donald Hoffman demonstrated, none of them is that human perception is veridical.
- Comment on It's good to be federated. 11 months ago:
It’s not useful to call vegans fascists. It doesn’t accomplish a social good, it just stokes conflict for its own sake. While calling carnists fascists comes from a place of desiring equality for all thinking beings and seeing harmful hypocrisy. Soulists believe we should perceive and believe as it is useful to do so.
- Comment on It's good to be federated. 11 months ago:
Vitamin B12 supplements are available at most pharmacies and grocery stores. That’s the only thing you really have to worry about with being vegan. Protein can be a worry if you’re not paying any attention at all to your diet, but just eat some beans and it’s all good. Or tofu. I like tofu better than beans, but I appear to be in a minority.
I’m not a fan of enslaving anything with a nervous system. Bugs might be more ethical to eat than cows, but they might not be. I wouldn’t play russian roulette with someone else’s head, so why would I take a risk like that?
No, I don’t like dairy or eggs. Egg laying chickens are kept in conditions so cramped, they’d peck each other to death from the stress if they didn’t get their beaks amputated. I have less of a problem with farm raised eggs. Now the modern domesticated chicken is a crime against nature, bred to produce eggs at a size and speed inconsistent with health and happiness, so it’s not like I have no problems with farm raised eggs, but I have less.
As for milk, well continuous milking of cows is bad for udder health, so most farmers let the cow rest for two months of the year to ensure good health and steady milk production over her lifetime. Unfortunately two months without milking leads the cow’s body to conclude it’s no longer nursing young, and milk production slows or stops. The farmers’ common solution to this problem is to keep cows in a more or less constant state of pregnancy, giving birth every year and then being separated from their young so the milk can be taken by humans instead of nature’s intended recipient. And a male dairy cow is useless except as a stud, so nearly all of the males born this way are killed at one week old. So out of the gallon of milk you buy at the grocery store, 50% of that milk took a dead child to make.
- Comment on It's good to be federated. 11 months ago:
There’s no such thing as objective reality
- Comment on It's good to be federated. 11 months ago:
No, soulism doesn’t have anything to do with antinatalism
- Comment on It's good to be federated. 11 months ago:
Oh, well if you like the idea of people disagreeing peacefully, you might be interested in soulism. Soulists believe consensus reality is a prison, and people should be free to construct their own subjective worlds without being forced to agree with others on what the world is like, on what reality is. We recognise that consensus reality is an unjust hierarchy that enacts violence on people for being unable or unwilling to agree. Its very origins are based in supremacy and oppression
- Comment on It's good to be federated. 11 months ago:
The mass slavery and killing of animals our society engages in is founded on ideas of biological genetic supremacy. I submit that meat eating is fascist and our society actively promotes fascism as part of daily life.
Don’t mind me, I’m just testing the waters to see if I’m one of the “redditors” y’all have a problem with.
- Comment on Dragon's Dogma 2 cooking features "real meat" - does that mean vegans shouldn't play it? 11 months ago:
Well, I’m not going to have any interest in the game now.
- Comment on We're experiencing the biggest dive in living standards in half a century — and a recession is looming 11 months ago:
And it would all be solved very quickly if we just converted the economy to communism.
- Comment on We're experiencing the biggest dive in living standards in half a century — and a recession is looming 11 months ago:
The government is building housing as fast as they want to build housing. They’re providing subsidies to external developers to build suburbs zoned for residential only. You know how fast the Soviet Union built housing when they put their minds to it? It’s just a matter of taxing enough from the rich, and investing in government run industry instead of relying on corporations.
Money in the accounts of the rich is static. It doesn’t move through the economy, it sits there are gets leveraged so they can take more. Money in the hands of the workers moves. We spend it on rent and groceries and doctors visits. The cause of a recession is simple: we don’t have enough money to spend past the essentials. If there are more workers in need of money, so what? Build them houses and give them the benefits of taxes. Ideally paying them to build houses and killing two birds with one stone. The reason the government hasn’t done this is they don’t want to. They’re in the pockets of big business.
- Comment on We're experiencing the biggest dive in living standards in half a century — and a recession is looming 11 months ago:
You xenophobe.
I’m suffering from the recession too but I don’t blame immigrants, because they’re coming into an economy just as bad as I live in. That means where they’re coming from is even worse. And besides, complaining about immigration is hypocrisy unless you’re aboriginal.
If the government had any sense they’d tax the rich and use the money to increase infrastructure spending. That’d create more jobs and improve all our lives. Imagine high speed rail from Melbourne to Perth, going at speeds comparable to a plane. Imagine how many jobs a project like that could provide. And what about solar and wind power? Government should be hiring thousands of people to build solar farms. That’s the sensible thing to do with a surplus of immigration; use that productive power to make the country better. Any money paid to immigrants goes straight back into the economy when they buy stuff, so in a functioning economy it should be no problem.
- Comment on We're experiencing the biggest dive in living standards in half a century — and a recession is looming 11 months ago:
Better solution is communism
- Comment on We're experiencing the biggest dive in living standards in half a century — and a recession is looming 11 months ago:
We’re already in a recession.
- Comment on We can dream 11 months ago:
I suppose the flip side of that is that you can sleep through all three LOTR extended editions without being asked if you’re still watching.
- Comment on Love to do this 1 year ago:
I love making fun of asshole drivers because they chose to pollute and they’re making life worse for all of us normal people.
- Comment on Hi all! We have a new mod on the team. 1 year ago:
That’s relying on big government to solve our problems for us. And that’s not a reliable strategy when big business wants those problems to stick around so they can make us buy more new crap. Piracy is a solution that we, the people, can implement right now.
- Comment on Hi all! We have a new mod on the team. 1 year ago:
Yeah, but that’s not the nature of how software is distributed these days. Do you have a modern solution?
- Comment on Hi all! We have a new mod on the team. 1 year ago:
How are pirates supposed to get copies of software that’s already been abandoned so they can distribute it?
- Comment on Hi all! We have a new mod on the team. 1 year ago:
Oh, abandonware is political. The software is lost because distribution rights lied solely with the copyright holder. The abandonware we still have available for distribution today is what was pirated. Obviously, copyright is antithetical to software preservation.
A capitalist argument on the subject of software copyright goes “the right to distribute software is owned by a company or a businessman because they invested in that software. They have the right to control what they own. If they decide the software is no longer available for distribution, it should be lost.”
But a communist argument on the subject of software says “the means of producing wealth by distributing software should belong to everyone. The people should seize software distribution for themselves and use it for the common good. Pirate software to preserve it, it shouldn’t matter that a corporation doesn’t want to sell it anymore.”
As a communist, I believe in the conservative approach to software copyright.
- Comment on Hi all! We have a new mod on the team. 1 year ago:
Yeah I think that the white monarchist government of my country is illegitimate and that ownership of the land should be returned to the indigenous people. If the white people don’t like it they can go back to England
- Comment on Hi all! We have a new mod on the team. 1 year ago:
Things I am in favour of conserving:
The environment
Multigenerational family structures
Indigenous sovereignty
Oral traditions
Technological progress
Trans rights
Historical records
Mythologies and religions
Pagan traditions
The Palestinian people
Civil rights advances
Abandonware and lost media
Indigenous holy sites
Native speciesI want to conserve lots of stuff. Am I a conservative?