Also German is quite systematic in its naming of things (surprise surprise), so specific names have the same gender as the more ‘generic’ root word for the thing
Comment on English may be a hot mess but at least we don't have to worry about this nonsense 1 year agoWhat gender is it in German? 1 year ago 1 year ago
Luckily, for washing machine it’s the same (female) but with others like sun, moon, or table we’re not so lucky. And German having three genders for words and french only two often makes things more complicated. 1 year ago
Seems like both?
le lave-linge / la machine à laver
die Waschmaschine 1 year ago
Idk we can do this too, der Waschautomat, less common of course but… 1 year ago
Is there a rule to find the gender in German or do you just have to remember it for each word?