Comment on Capital One is set to acquire Discover, merging 2 of the US' largest credit-card companies ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

Many years ago, when I was first becoming an adult, I applied for a discover card as my first card. They rejected me for bad credit history, which was nonsense. I had no credit history and was applying for an entry level card that did not require any. I figured I must have made a mistake and applied again. Same response. Called, and they refused to be of any service, just called me a credit risk and ended the call.

So fine, I did some research, and applied for a card from capital one. I was approved, no questions asked, and even got a rate limit increase a year later.

I’ve held a grudge against Discover ever since, so while I recognize the danger, I cannot help but gloat to see the company that would not give me the time of day gobbled up by the one I had to turn to for that first card.
