- Comment on In US, teleworkers don't want to turn back 1 month ago:
I think you misunderstood them…
Said another way:
“There’s an unspoken lack of trust that comes with forcing people to come (back) into an office. Basically, it’s the employer telling their employees that they don’t trust them to do their work unless management can physically see them at their desks in the office.”
- Comment on America's Next Health Secretary Enjoying A Meal With His Future Boss and Colleagues 3 months ago:
It’s looking more and more like this term will be “Celebrity Apprentice: Washington”.
Which, as sad as that is, is still preferable to the alternative where he has a small inner circle of actually smart far right strategists, who he trusts completely and follows their recommendations to the last detail.
I don’t know that it holds true across the board, but for Trump at least, it appears that in the right wing you get smarts or charisma/a following…but not both.
Trump is a flashy moron who appeals to the GOP base, which is comprised largely of morons. They need a moron at the top of the ticket to speak the language of their base, but in the process they’re stuck with a moron at the top when they win.
They’ll still do damage, no doubt, but I feel like the biggest check on Trump’s power is that he’s too stupid to wield it to maximum effect.
- Comment on Oxbowin' 4 months ago:
The only thing I know about vesicles is that microvesicles are gross… thanks to paleobotanist Dr. Ellie Sattler.
- Comment on Oxbowin' 4 months ago:
What little blue house?
- Comment on If Biden wanted to could he have people kill Trump since he is in office and SCOTUS said it was ok? 5 months ago:
Would the victim be officially dead?
- Comment on You'll have to use pto time to drown, but make sure it's approved first 5 months ago:
And very literally after it was too late to safely leave.
Which means, by definition, they were not dismissed while they could safely leave.
- Comment on Why isn't apple a popular ice cream flavor? 5 months ago:
Chocolate with raisins is super common though…
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
It also wouldn’t cover a meal from Uber Eats.
Definitely worse than nothing.
- Comment on I'm just gonna stick to slotted, thanks 7 months ago:
Philips doesn’t cam out that easily either.
I mean…that’s an inherently subjective statement.
But more objectively, regardless of how easily, it’s still the worst of the available options.
- Comment on I'm just gonna stick to slotted, thanks 7 months ago:
Well said.
And with the hex/Allen, it’s the small contact points as well as the smaller volume of material that needs to be deformed or removed before slippage can occur, as well as the angle of force on the contact point.
With a hex, the contact point and direction are such that the tool is effectively trying to scrape off material at an angle, and if/when it succeeds even a little bit, it’s now much more prone to fail.
With a Torx, the contact area might still be small, but it’s being applied to the lobe in a more perpendicular direction, so rather than a scraping failure, it’s more of a force that is pushing directly against steel instead of scraping. Not that it can’t fail, but the route to failure is significantly less likely.
- Comment on I'm just gonna stick to slotted, thanks 7 months ago:
For some reason, Ford decided to use Security Torx to hold together their hybrid battery packs. Couldn’t tell you why that was better then regular Torx.
I’d guess that was some sort of safety standard designed to protect vehicle owners from themselves.
As Torx gets more and more common, it’s presence is less and less likely to be a serious hurdle, so the security screws are a simple way for them to sort of say to the owner “don’t mess with the stuff below this”. If they want to, they still can, but it’s a specific effort at that point…so Ford can say they’ve implemented a safety measure. Might even be some sort of government standard too, where using a less common fastener style brings them into compliance without needing some sort of even less accessible design, like a sealed off system.
- Comment on I'm just gonna stick to slotted, thanks 7 months ago:
Because a hex key can fit (albeit imperfectly) into a Torx opening and loosen or tighten the fastener as needed.
It’s more likely to slip or strip, but it’s better than nothing.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
Lemmy doesn’t want to hear it, but you’re correct.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
Democrats want Biden to drop out because they don’t believe he can beat Trump.
To this point: for those who think that, do they think anyone else realistically could, at this point, other than Biden?
While I’m not thrilled with his chances, I will say that if he wasn’t to be the nominee, that decision needed to happen in 2021. At this point, I do believe that statistically, he’s got better odds than anyone else, so regardless of his debate or mental state, he’s our guy.
- Comment on Aged Like Milk 9 months ago:
Even when that person is putting others at risk, both directly and indirectly?
I mean…if some anti-vaxxer survives a bout with covid only to spread it to one of your immunocompromised loved ones, who isn’t so lucky and dies from it?
In that hypothetical, harsh as it may sound, I’d much rather the one with agency to take preventative measures and chose not to take them be the one to suffer the consequences of their selfish inaction and poor decisions.
I’m not saying they deserve to die, I’m just looking at it from the angle of how this person will use the life they’ve managed to hang onto and how they’ll negatively impact society and the people around them with the time they have.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
This is a good point, although maybe I’m just unlucky, but quite a few times over the years, I’ve encountered friends, and friends of friends, who were vegetarian or vegan and seemed to make a primary hobby out of shoe-horning that information into any and every conversation they could. And every time, it was very deliberately and openly presented in a way to praise themselves and demonize anyone not like them.
Not only is food very foundational, as you’ve said, but I also strongly feel that a reason this particular set of -isms is such a lightning rod is because (perhaps due in large part to that foundational aspect of food in society), it seems like vegetarianism and veganism very much becomes who someone is, as opposed to simply describing an aspect of their lifestyle.
Not only that, but it becomes a part of their Identity in a way that frequently impacts the people around them.
So someone is a Catholic. That’s cool. I’m not one and I might have my issues with the Catholic church, but unless they’re extremely devout, chances are, their Catholicism is more “how they worship” and less “who they are” in everyday interaction. It just isn’t likely to affect me, and as such I’m much less likely to really care. As such, I’m cool with Catholics. Add to that: most Catholic people aren’t painting their religious belief in superiority either overtly or implicitly these days. They’re just going to mass on Sunday and doing their thing.
On the other hand, someone is vegan. That’s also cool. I might have preferences and a lifestyle that conflicts with their views and vice versa but we can coexist, and our preferences on what to eat won’t ever lead to conflict between us, right? Well…if they’re a coworker…or a member of a friend group, now any and every time that group of people wants to eat, that foundational aspect of society, now the group must accommodate that -ism which they don’t share. And that’s probably fine for everyone in the group sometimes…and some of the group all the time…but generally speaking, looking at all of the group, all of the time, that’s statistically likely to eventually rankle at least a few people. Then, depending on the individual, there’s a very real chance that they eat with this group, some of which may already be annoyed by having their food options limited by the choices of this individual…and on top of it, that individual takes that opportunity to make a comment that invokes morality into the situation…and it should come as little surprise that this type of person gets a generalized negative reputation.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
If you’d like to break the stereotype of insufferable vegans, you might consider starting that process by not being one.
- Comment on Aged Like Milk 9 months ago:
It’s nice that you didn’t die from it
Is it really, though?
- Comment on We see what you're doing 10 months ago:
In a just world, he’d unpack the court, by force.
Not just saying “anyone who disagrees with my politics”, but Thomas, Kavanaugh, and Barrett have absolutely no business there.
- Comment on Elder scrolls 11 months ago:
I am not a fan of the general trend of de-buttoning.
Like… isn’t the entire point to make things consistent and intuitive? Make a clickable button visually distinct!
- Comment on Delicious. 11 months ago:
- Comment on Without fail 1 year ago:
Great suggestion!
- Comment on Without fail 1 year ago:
That’s an important lesson from the early days of the pandemic: assume you’ll get zero reaction from the group, so set up your questions/requests/etc. in such a way that a non-response gives you the answer you want.
“Okay I’m getting ready to start here, speak up if you can’t see my screen.”
“I’m setting our target completion date for next Thursday. Anyone have any issues meeting that deadline?”
“This new wrinkle seems like something that is mostly within the area of expertise of Bob’s team, so I’m going to ask that they resolve it before our next meeting. Bob, do you have any issues with adding that to your list?”
- Comment on Capital One is set to acquire Discover, merging 2 of the US' largest credit-card companies 1 year ago:
Another Discover hater here.
Many many years ago they bought some of my student loan debt and they’ve been impossible to try to work with. Even something as simple as shifting a due date by 3 days to better coincide with a pay schedule, or literally just to make it easier to pay them, they have been awful in every instance.
Of course since those early days I’ve changed jobs many times, tripled my pay, paid off 2 vehicles (the far more expensive of which was financed, ironically enough, by Capital One) and now have excellent credit, good income, etc. So now Discover floods me with mail to open a credit card with them…while still being fucking horrendous to deal with on the student loans!
The last time I actually had to talk to someone at discover they even tried to get me to sign up for a credit card on the call. The woman finally gave up when I told her that I’d rather lose everything and live on the street and survive on a diet of small bits of rocks and sticks than have any more business dealings with Discover.
- Comment on Capital One is set to acquire Discover, merging 2 of the US' largest credit-card companies 1 year ago:
Would it be the FCC or the FTC or the SEC?
- Comment on Diablo 4's new mount costs more than the actual game 1 year ago:
It worries me that you assume video games reproduce and raise offspring and develop and receive education at a rate that matches their human analogues.
- Comment on Windows 11 24H2 goes from “unsupported” to “unbootable” on some older PCs 1 year ago:
The Linux proselytizing combined with the rabid impractical political hive mind have combined to slowly take my usage of Lemmy from “increasing and replacing Reddit time” to “flattened out, going back to Reddit a bit” and now it’s moving solidly into the territory of “definitely using and visiting Lemmy less, spending more time back on Reddit”.
This platform has so much potential, but the community sucks. Which is saying something, given that the chief comparison is the reddit community.
- Comment on Windows 11 24H2 goes from “unsupported” to “unbootable” on some older PCs 1 year ago:
I bet you’ll sleep easier tonight knowing that your computing decisions are deemed to be acceptable by some rando on the Internet according to their standards.
- Comment on Real! 1 year ago:
It’s the cloaking.
- Comment on Ozzy gave THIS GUY permission, but not Ye? The hell? 1 year ago:
Vacuum losin’ all its suction!