Comment on Zionists doing a rave to block aid trucks at Ker Shalom crossing while Palestinians are starving 1 year ago75 years of being attacked leads to some fucked up thinking. Most Israelis, like most Palestinians know people who have been victims of violence repeatedly. Their mindsets aren’t the same as those in the West with the safety and security provided by border stability. Which is why it’s so interesting seeing the Western ideals being pushed on this conflict. Those ravers should be jailed though, they’re contradicting the ICJ order. Whether it’s the Israeli government or not, the order was to enable the provision of aid and that means clearing obstacles. 1 year ago
75 years of brainwashing you mean 1 year ago
There’s no brainwashing needed to be able to read a history book at every turn. It’s been the Arabs who have attacked and the Israelis who have defended.
And just like we saw in October Palestinians struck out and now they’re crying because they’re losing yet another war they start. It’s an age-old tactic for Arabs to use human suffering in order to garner sympathy from the West, and it works for good reason. Nothing has changed since it was pointed out that peace will not come until Arabs love their children as much as they hate Jews and nothing will change until they stop raising martyrs and start deradicalizing their people. Defunding UNRWA is a good first step. 1 year ago
What history books are you reading?
Antisemitism in Islam and Arab World
British Mandate Period:
The Concept of Transfer 1882-1948
Palestinian Arab Congress advocating for Unified State 1928
1929 Riots from Forward and 972Mag
Shaw Commission
Peel Commission Report and Memorandum of the Arab Higher Committee 1937
1936-1939 Revolt from JVL, Britannica, MEE
Irgun and Lehi activity
What Hitler and the Grand Mufti Really Said: Time, Haaretz, WaPo
Yosef Weitz’ unofficial Transfer Committee and the JNF. Which has dispossessed Palestinians to present day. 972mag, MEE, Haaretz
1948 to 1967:
Plan Dalet and Declassified Massacres
Additional context of what was detailed in Plan C (May 1946) and Plan D (March 1948)
Arab League advocating for unified state 1948
1967 war Declassified
Israel Martial Law and Defence (Emergency) Regulations practiced in the occupied territories after 1967
How the US became the ally of Israel
UK influence
Occupation and 50 years of dispossession
1st Intifada AJ, PBS, Haaretz
Oslo Accords MEE, NYT, Haaretz, AJ
2nd Intifada AJ, Haaretz
Gaza Blockade is Occupation
Dahiya Doctrine
Arab Israelis are not equal including Education (2001 report)
Palestinian Prisoners in Israel and Military Court
Child abuse of Palestinian prisoners
Human Shields including Children (2013 Report)
Settler Violence, Torture and Abuse in Interrogations, No freedom of movement, and also Water control
Gaza March for Return Protest
Palestinians lack civil rights
Hamas founding charter and Revised charter 2017
History of Hamas supported by Netanyahu since 2012
AWRAD Gaza War Poll
PCPSR Public Opinion Poll Dec 2023
History of peace process
One State Solution, Foreign Affairs archived here
10 Myths of Israel 1 year ago
lol can’t help but notice that they didn’t respond again 1 year ago
I’ve read most of what you’ve posted here in my university education. Plenty of back and forth, are you denying the fact that the Arab Nations instigated and were the aggressors in each of the wars started since the inception of Israel? 1 year ago
Wow, the other guy already addressed the history books part but I wanted to stop for a second and focus on
Wonder how people would take it if we were addressing the other party in this conflict, and someone like you would throw in a gross generalisation, pointing out that it goes back a long time. 1 year ago
LoL, like gross generalizing hasn’t warped the word Zionist into the updated version of dirty Jew.
The history remains the same, the surrounding Arab Nations have been attacking Israel since it’s inception. they refuse to acknowledge Israel and they continue to feed bodies into martyrdom in the name of their goal of a pan arabian caliphate. The wild thing is they don’t even deny it, but the West refuses to accept their own words. 1 year ago
Some nice racism in there. 1 year ago
Being Arab isn’t a race and if it was I’d be saying it about myself. 1 year ago
The problem with your hypothesis is that all of us can read a history book, and yet precious few would agree with the majority of Israeli citizens that murdering and torturing countless children is justified.
Again, if someone were persecuted, why would that make him want to murder innocent children? It makes no logical sense. The only explanation is brainwashing and religious zealotry.