You ever read 1984? You remember the bit about newspeak? Well go have a conversation with a zoomer sometime and pay attention to the word choice they use for controversial subjects like suicide and murder (self/other unalive), depression (big sad), pornography (corn), neurodivergence (neurospicy), etc.
I’m not saying TikTok is solely to blame, but content recommendation algorithms are definitely warping the language people use. Almost all of these genZ slang terms originated as weasel words to talk about these touchy subjects without getting deplatformed by an algorithm designed to keep things advertiser-friendly 1 year ago
It’s more like “the Chinese government controls the thing an entire generation reaching voting age stares at all day.” If you thought Facebook and Twitter were bad for disinformation and radicalizing people just wait. 1 year ago
The only politics I learned on Tiktok was left leaning capitalism and basic socialist ideas.
If that’s radical then Lemmy is worse. 1 year ago 1 year ago
What have you seen? 1 year ago
Ha! I feel like there isn’t anyone who isn’t considered a fascist on Lemmy 😉 1 year ago
That’s exactly what a fascist would say! 1 year ago