Husband, Father, IT Pro, service.
I ask a lot of questions to try to understand how people think.
- Comment on Keep Tier-One Applications Out of Virtual Environments 5 months ago:
Lol, even in 2024 with free VPN/overlay solutions…they just won’t stop public Internet exposure of control plane things…
- Comment on Keep Tier-One Applications Out of Virtual Environments 5 months ago:
Blank check
Funny how that seems to often be the case. They need to see the consequences, not just be warned. An ‘I told you so’ moment…
- Comment on Keep Tier-One Applications Out of Virtual Environments 5 months ago:
Dont we all use centralized management because there is cost and risk involved when we don’t.
More management complexity, missed systems, etc.
So we’re balancing risk vs operational costs.
Makes sense to swap out virtual for container solutions or automation solutions for discussion.
- Comment on Keep Tier-One Applications Out of Virtual Environments 5 months ago:
Yeah, that’s pretty risky for this point in time.
I guess the MBA people look at total cost of revenue/reputation loss for things like ransomware recovery, restoration of backups vs the cost of making their IT systems resilient?
Personally, I don’t think so (in many cases) or they’d spend more money on planning/resilience.
- Comment on Keep Tier-One Applications Out of Virtual Environments 5 months ago:
Seems like your org has taken resilience and response planning seriously. I like it.
- Submitted 5 months ago to | 33 comments
- Comment on AT&T sues Broadcom for refusing to renew perpetual license support 5 months ago:
contract “options” are indeed normal. You could also lump in government contracts into the category your thinking about. I’ve never heard of a scenario where the vendor broke contract by not honoring the options. I also have never dealt with a vendor getting bought out and then not honoring existing contracts. Super fun to watch the corporate drama.
- Comment on How rental ‘libraries of things’ have become the new way to save money 9 months ago:
My mid life birthday gift was an electric zero turn mower. Already had all electric yard tools. Will buy Tesla or best option in couple years. Never going to a gas station again!
So indeed, fuck gas
- Comment on Post your Servernames! 9 months ago:
Office culture nuances… I enjoy them.
- Comment on Post your Servernames! 9 months ago:
I worked for a company where the previous IT dorks named the servers after startrek ships. It’s cute at home. Had to rename everything and readdress the whole organization.
- Comment on IBM sues a Zurich-based startup over 'unlawful' use of mainframe technology 9 months ago:
It’s pretty plain to see IBM afraid of loosing vendor lock-in, but running a software solution designed for an open or distributed platform shouldn’t be that big of a threat, right?
All their selling points are the insane hardware performance, redundancy, and tuning.
Isn’t it unlikely you’re going to get that on some virtual or abstracted mainframe platform?
If I was one of the businesses that’s been paying the fortune keeping IBM mainframe alive, I’d stay on it. They measure profits in the billions and saving some money going away from IBM and risking loosing countless dollars per minute seems like a risk…
Oh wait, I forgot, all American Corps are currently (since the 80s-ish), worthless greedy fucks solely focused on short term profit and stock price regardless of long term consequences. Maybe they should save some money on one of the things that’s helps make them billions…I bet that golden goose tastes amazing 😄
- Comment on Movie industry demands US law requiring ISPs to block piracy websites 10 months ago:
We are just a little behind trying to elect our new dictator…
But just for a day…
/S 🙄
- Comment on Cable lobby vows “years of litigation” to avoid bans on blocking and throttling 10 months ago:
Every piece of shit greedy corporation can’t hide from their lies when they say things are too expensive to implement correctly or pay people appropriately when they are simultaneously posting profits measured in billions…
- Comment on Germany Warns Of 17k Vulnerable Microsoft Exchange Servers Exposed Online - RedPacket Security 11 months ago:
I know businesses like to skip on spending money for upgrades, but still using 2010 is pretty far out. These just mom and pops that have no idea, or these just businesses that don’t care?
- Comment on ‘The cost of dealing with disease is growing all the time’: why experts think sugar taxes should be far higher 11 months ago:
A Twinkie tax…
- Comment on meta federation stance 11 months ago:
Thanks for sharing this.
@jerry thanks for all you do and the FAQ.
- Comment on The Terrible Costs of a Phone-Based Childhood 11 months ago:
I would not have thought of this perspective if you hadn’t mentioned it. Thx.
- Comment on What is a good multirole server setup for a racked server? 11 months ago:
Google IBM m1015 hba, there’s a ton on eBay for no money. It used to be TrueNAS go to. There’s newer HBAs that are faster, but I don’t think it will matter for you
If you do TN, you MUST read the manual and look at their ZFS intro guide. Trust me.
- Comment on Painful day for tech titans as EU finally sinks its regulatory teeth into them 11 months ago:
Now that I think about it, Johnny Harris did a really good report about insider trading by Congress.
- Comment on Painful day for tech titans as EU finally sinks its regulatory teeth into them 11 months ago:
The comment was meant to be syndical and sarcastic.
Of course it’s not representative of the entirety.
But it does express my frustration with political hypocrisy and insider trading. I think you’d be hard-pressed to find me any politicians that haven’t engaged in that at some point, to some degree. One of the famous ones that comes to mind is Nancy pelosi, but she is not alone, and this is not particular to one party or another, they both definitely engage in it, it’s been well documented and is irrefutable.
If you look past one party or another, you’d see that it’s a broken system. The fact that it’s legal for our elected representatives to conduct in activities that would otherwise be illegal for the general population is outrageous, and the fact that we all know they do it and they are the only ones that can control it in police themselves is also outrageous. It’s the only self-serving career that I can think of that is completely unchecked, has unlimited benefits for only 4 years of service, and the only ones that can control it or police it is themselves.
- Comment on Microsoft says it hasn't been able to shake Russian state hackers 11 months ago:
Ha, if it was that easy, I think the NSA would have solved that problem by now…
- Comment on Microsoft says it hasn't been able to shake Russian state hackers 11 months ago:
Imagine for a moment that the business world transitioned to Linux, and now there’s enormous incentive for all adversaries from state sponsored to financially motivated criminals to spend all their time hunting through linux source code.
Do you think the ideas above stand up? (I’m not saying they dont)
Would linux vulnerabilities be found at a higher rate? I wonder if they aren’t now because there aren’t as many eyes on them. Sure there’s corporate side project efforts and volunteers, just curious how that stacks up against the amount of research happening to break Windows systems.
NSA would definitely want to keep some linux exploits around if their adversaries were using linux instead of windows. I think the result would be the same regarding eternal blue.
- Comment on US lawmakers vote 50-0 to force sale of TikTok despite angry calls from users 11 months ago:
being spied on by the government of the country I live in than by a government from a foreign country
Ha, that’s a decent point. I don’t really care for either. I think about these things among others:
- China has proved they are interested in conflict. They haven’t used any kinetic/traditional warfare against anyone lately, though they seriously want to with Tiwan.
- China has been using nonstop cyber related warfare to conduct espionage, steal trade secrets, position themselves for assisting kinetic warfare with cyber warfare, etc.
I am not a direct target of these, but China killing the power grid or disabling telecommunications does have the potential to have a huge impact on my life.
- The US government has used nonstop kinetic and cyber warfare over the last 20+ years.
The US playing world police doesn’t directly threaten my safety, but I definitely would be more worried about the US than China if I wasn’t a US citizen.
The US government spying on me:
- Super annoying mostly due to the principle of a lack of privacy, regardless of whether I do anything bad or not
- Becomes a serious problem if I was an active opponent of government policy and elected officials, and the government/leadership deems me a terrorist/insurrectionist/etc.
Their discretion of what’s my free speech and right to criticize the government vs leading insurrection would be more complicated if they were using the NSA to own my life and try to use any excuse to lock me up.
I guess I weigh what’s more likely to be a problem in my current/future life.
I don’t like either of these scenarios.
- Comment on Painful day for tech titans as EU finally sinks its regulatory teeth into them 11 months ago:
I hear what you’re saying. I counter with low effort LLM reply. I don’t live by what LLMs say, but they generate some good starting points to go and do much more narrow research.
I don’t think it’s entirely Reagan’s fault, I think the idea existed before him. He just sold the idea to the American public. So I guess I could fault him for either believing in it, or just saying he did to support the desires of the wealthy.
this really is Reagan’s fault with his so-called trickle down economics
“Did any American politicians, economists, or general capitalism principles regarding ‘trickle down economics’ exists before president Reagan? What examples of trickle down economics existed before him? Did he invent the idea, or just the phrase?”
The concept of “trickle-down economics” predates President Ronald Reagan and his administration’s economic policies. However, the specific phrase “trickle-down economics” became more widely used during Reagan’s presidency to describe his economic policies, which were based on the idea that reducing taxes on businesses and the wealthy would stimulate economic growth, creating more jobs and wealth that would eventually “trickle down” to the broader population.
Examples of trickle-down economic principles before Reagan include:
The “Horse and Sparrow” theory, attributed to the French economist Jean-Baptiste Say in the early 19th century, which suggested that if the rich were allowed to get richer, their increased consumption would benefit the working class.
In the 1920s, Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon, under Presidents Harding and Coolidge, advocated for lower taxes on the wealthy and businesses, arguing that it would spur economic growth.
The “Laissez-Faire” economic policies of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which favored minimal government intervention and regulation, with the belief that unfettered capitalism would benefit society as a whole.
While Reagan did not invent the underlying economic theories, his administration’s policies and rhetoric, particularly the use of the phrase “trickle-down economics,” brought the concept to the forefront of public discourse and became closely associated with his presidency.
It’s important to note that the effectiveness and fairness of trickle-down economics have been heavily debated among economists and policymakers, with critics arguing that it primarily benefits the wealthy and does not necessarily lead to broad-based economic growth or income redistribution.
- Comment on Painful day for tech titans as EU finally sinks its regulatory teeth into them 11 months ago:
These are good suggestions for tech people IMO. I was thinking more general population that just wants to buy a product and use it as is. My mom isn’t going to get a laptop and then install linux. I’d have to. 😇
I’ve never heard of BQ before, so that was an interesting mention. I didn’t look hard enough to find out if it was available in the US.
I think the overall sentiment I’m conveying is that as a consumer, I’d like to just stop doing business with entities I deem bad faith (which is easy to say until you need a new TV and the ‘good’ company TV is twice as expensive). There’s not a lot of choices for average people in this category (big tech). You’ll be exposed to them almost out of necessity. I suppose appropriate regulation for those giant companies, and the US wont, but at least the EU will.
I also wonder if MS/Google/Apple were EU based corps, if they would take the same actions? I can’t say how much of an average EU country’s economy a company like Microsoft would be, but just the thought of how much that would be makes me think they’d get preferential treatment in which ever country that would be. I’d have to look at brands like BMW and see how they did doing that MPG scandal, things like that.
- Comment on US lawmakers vote 50-0 to force sale of TikTok despite angry calls from users 11 months ago:
Yes. 🤷
- Comment on Painful day for tech titans as EU finally sinks its regulatory teeth into them 11 months ago:
You remember how all the US politicians are funded by the same huge corporations and rich people who all benefit from the regulators doing nothing but pretending to care?
Remember how the politicians pander to Americans by blaming rich people for all of life’s problems and saying they’ll make them pay their fair share, but those politicians have multiple houses and blatantly conduct insider trading every day, but Americans still vote for them time after time?
I’d like to say you could just not use their products, but that means you have to replace windows with some other os, not buy a major manufacturer cell phone, or do much else 🤷
- Comment on TikTok faces calls for ban amid claims of anti-Israel ‘indoctrination’ 11 months ago:
Yeah, but money can’t control CCP like it controls the narrative here. That’s not acceptable… /s
- Comment on TikTok faces calls for ban amid claims of anti-Israel ‘indoctrination’ 11 months ago:
I’m sure there’s someone who thinks the FDAs take on some issues is propaganda.
These days, we seem to blur all the meaning behind things.
What’s the difference now between an opinion or view that you disagree with, and propaganda? People assert everything is propaganda of some kind.
Same thoughts about hate speech,.jokes about stereotypes,.etc. I’m in no way advocating for hate speech by the way, people just have very broad views on these things now.
I’m not sure how platforms can allow freedom of speech without hate speech and propaganda, it’s all based on views, priorities, morals,.values, and a society’s tolerance of certain things.
- Comment on Just curious, why does this instance defederate 11 months ago:
You might have to @jerry if there isn’t notes on why listed. Sometimes instances get compromised and flood bad stuff. Maybe the instance can be enabled if there’s no other reason to keep it disabled.