- Comment on [Opinion] Biden Must Resign 8 months ago:
Whatever you say, comrade.
- Comment on 'Brain-in-a-jar' biocomputers can now learn to control robots 8 months ago:
Pfft. I’ve been a brain in a jar producing my own reality for over 37 years. I’d be demanding my own accolades if any of you actually existed.
- Comment on “Don’t worry honey, I got this” 8 months ago:
“When your wife won’t fuck you anymore and neither will your daughter.”
- Comment on The Force Unleashed I/II was not as fun as I thought 8 months ago:
Yeah. It made the focus a lot more on lightsaber combat instead of force powers and showing off the physics engine of the technically “superior” versions of the game.
- Comment on The Force Unleashed I/II was not as fun as I thought 8 months ago:
I replayed the 360 version of TFU recently and really can’t stand it. But I also played the Wii version ported to Switch recently too and it’s just as good as I remember. They’re very different games and the Wii version was always my favourite.
- Comment on Games where an emulated console version outclasses the PC port? 8 months ago:
Giants: Citizen Kabuto. I love the PC version, but the PS2 version–despite looking a lot worse–feels more like a finished game. There are things like elevators that don’t exist in the PC version, cutscenes don’t cut off dialog before it’s finished, and the UI is overall more polished.
- Comment on MrBeast has a lot of money 8 months ago:
Why can’t I have no kids and three money?
- Comment on We all know it's true 8 months ago:
I used to visit a classic forum like this. One person really carried the conversation and then suddenly disappeared and the forum died. Still have no idea what happened to them. Hope they just got bored or preoccupied with life.
- Comment on Tough Trolly Choices 8 months ago:
I’d say whichever lever in each group feels the most like a “Steve” to me.
- Comment on New Doom Game Could Be Announced At Xbox Showcase In June 9 months ago:
I never thought the music in nu-Doom was all that great anyway. Not compared to classic Doom at least. E1M1 is forever stuck in my head and if you hum a couple bars to anyone who has played it, they’ll immediately know the tune.
The music in nu-Doom is fine while you’re playing, but I can’t remember a single track.
- Comment on Suicide Squad Cost Warner Bros. $200 Million In Revenue 9 months ago:
- Comment on Does Arkham Knight get better? 9 months ago:
Origins is better, in my opinion. It’s the black sheep but it’s my favourite in the series.
Arkham Knight is my least favourite but I still like it. If you really hate the tank sections, though, you might not like it no matter how long you play. That’s a pretty big part of the game, and it’s not great.
- Comment on Glorious Victory 9 months ago:
The random upset people on the former side were perfectly happy to give their money to company on the latter side before the TOS change. This has nothing to do with how untrustworthy Sony has been in the past and everything to do with upset Gamers wanting to keep their outrage party going even after they got what they wanted.
- Comment on Glorious Victory 9 months ago:
Aw, the gamer is upset I forced some introspection into their life.
But no, I’m sorry. You’re totally a noble warrior who fought back the evil Sony and now must remain ever vigilant lest Kazuo Hirai leap from the shadows and scream “Riiiiidge Racer” at you and take away your toys while Gabe Newell gives you your money back and sheepishly shrugs like “I know, right? This guy, man.”
- Comment on Glorious Victory 9 months ago:
I talk like I have seen this exact same thing happen over and over and I’m sick of capital-G Gamers throwing tantrums over every inconvenience. You aren’t Union Men fighting for your rights. You’re gamers upset by a TOS change to your new toy even though Steam was going beyond their own policy to honor refunds.
- Comment on Glorious Victory 9 months ago:
Or, more rationally, you all invested so much of yourselves into your gamer outrage campaign and built yourselves up as the underdogs fighting the big, mean corporation. And when, to your own surprise, you actually won and got all of your demands met without compromise, you still can’t let it go because you managed to incorporate all that upset over a video game into your personal identities over just a few days time.
- Comment on Glorious Victory 9 months ago:
“Helldivers 2 players get exactly what they wanted, still unhappy.”
- Comment on The PlayStation 2 9 months ago:
DF Retro is so good.
- Comment on The PlayStation 2 9 months ago:
I never played Tricky but love SSX3 and On Tour. A lot of people fondly talk about Tricky, so is there anything about it that the later games lack?
- Comment on The PlayStation 2 9 months ago:
Same here. I find it isn’t powerful enough for a lot of modern PC games unless your drop the settings, but it’s amazing for retro and emulation. I’m living in 2004 again.
- Comment on That time when Microsoft bought and killed Nokia phone unit 9 months ago:
Honestly, the Lumia Windows phones were pretty nice. App support was lacking but I have never been an app user. I would have kept using mine if the BlackBerry KeyOne hadn’t come out shortly after.
I think it’s common for former BlackBerry stans to go for unconventional phones to replace them. iPhone and typical Android phones are boring to me. I’m currently using a Surface Duo 2 and looking into a foldable as my next phone.
- Comment on The PlayStation 2 9 months ago:
I could never get into the Ratchet and Clank games, except for Deadlocked which I know is generally disliked by fans. I was really into arena shooters at the time.
I’ve tried a bunch of the others and they are definitely good, but not my kind of game.
- Comment on The PlayStation 2 9 months ago:
Dreamcast was killed off so early and didn’t run alongside the others for most of the generation, so a lot of people consider it as more of an in-between system. Maybe not to someone who actually owned one, but given how poorly it sold the majority probably didn’t.
- Comment on The PlayStation 2 9 months ago:
I still love the aesthetic a lot of PS2 games have, with smooth, bright textures instead of a lot of detail that gets stretched and blurry at low resolutions. The way metal surfaces look in MGS2 and Zone of the Enders is really nice.
But then there were games like Silent Hill 2 & 3 that used a lot of detail in the low resolution textures to create a grimy or rusted look. Those games really benefited from working within the limitations of the system, like the fog to reduce draw distance.
- Comment on A YouTuber let the Cybertruck close on his finger to test the new sensor update. It didn't go well. 10 months ago:
This is why, as a software developer, I’m against designing any system that assumes what the user wants and tries to do it for them automatically. On the occasions where the assumption is right, it’s a mild convenience at best. When it’s wrong, it is always infuriating if not dangerous.
- Comment on palaeoartists are dreamers 10 months ago:
Penguinsaurus wrestling used to be an Olympic sport but ended due to lack of sponsors.
- Comment on animals you need to know 10 months ago:
Each name sounds more Australian than the last.
- Comment on Favourite Retro games that can be found on Steam (Linux) 10 months ago:
I saw this Criken video a while ago of him playing it with friends and it looks awesome. The video is hilarious too.
- Comment on Favourite Retro games that can be found on Steam (Linux) 10 months ago:
If you haven’t already checked it out, Armed and Dangerous is by the same studio and is very similar in terms of gameplay and humor. Not quite as polished, but a lot funnier in my opinion.
- Comment on Favourite Retro games that can be found on Steam (Linux) 10 months ago:
It’s definitely my favourite of the X-Wing/TIE Fighter games. I really like the story in it, focusing on a family caught up in the war.