Then use Proton Mail
Comment on India may block Proton Mail 1 year ago
Can we get away from email?
It’s not a secure form of communication anyway. I want my messages to be e2e encrypted so I know I am the only one that can read them 1 year ago 1 year ago
What a stupid thing to say.
Whatever your favorite (and probably shitty) proprietary or open source messaging service - not everybody has it. But hey, everyone has email, so let's kill that. 1 year ago
ProtonMail uses PGP encryption to encrypt emails, which means your meta data, including subject line is vulnerable to data collection. Also there is no forward secrecy with current PGP standard.
We have built Proton Mail with PGP fully integrated, … All messages between Proton Mail users are automatically end-to-end encrypted.
Subject lines and recipient/sender email addresses are encrypted but not end-to-end encrypted. 1 year ago
IDK, I think that’s kind of flawed logic. E.g. “we should stop using gasoline for cars and switch to electric” - would you say “what a stupid thing to say. everyone uses gas so we shouldn’t try to stop”?
And are you not aware of Signal? It’s open source, and the default server is not, but it doesn’t matter since it is E2E encrypted, just like Proton. The difference is that ProtonMail allows you to communicate unencrypted with non-ProtonMail accounts.
I think all they’re saying is that, similar to gas users, there are many people who will not stop using it or just don’t care unless we sunset gas cars / email for them.
I do agree with that, and in both cases it isn’t something which can happen overnight, but it is a serious long term problem which IMO we should be pushing to solve. 1 year ago
Oh no, profiling. Google can read your emails directly 1 year ago
No, they can't since I don't have a Google mail address. Even if I had, they'd have a harder time building a social graph when I communicate with others outside of Gmail. 1 year ago
Okay, but unless all of your communication is e2e encrypted, your provider can read all of your messages. They can even show you ads based on the contents. Oh, you bought vitamins on Amazon? How about some minerals?
If I send messages with matrix, the matrix server admin cannot read them. If I cared about them seeing who I’m talking to, I would run my own server 1 year ago
you can e2e encrypt emails though? 1 year ago
And then just go PGP if you want even more security. 1 year ago
Yet everyone sends me one time passwords in plain text 1 year ago
autocrypt has been around a while. get your contacts to use it. 1 year ago
That’s what s/mime does. If it were as easy to get personal certs as it is to get server certs through letsencrypt, everyone could easily sign and encrypt mail.
I can certainly do it anyway, but you’d have to trust my self signed cert. 1 year ago
Congrats, you just invented ProtonMail 1 year ago
Its not encrypted when 99% of your contacts aren’t on Proton. 1 year ago
You can encrypt it for non-Proton users very easily. 1 year ago
oh? i have friends that use protonmail and i've asked them to do it. no one has succeeded yet