- Comment on India may block Proton Mail 1 year ago:
you can e2e encrypt emails though?
- Comment on 'We don't have shareholders, but we also don't think about them,' Larian Studios uses its stage time at the DICE Awards to speak out against a brutal industry climate 1 year ago:
every company has shareholders, including larian studios
you can't set up a company without specifying shareholders
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
why is he waiting on you hand-and-foot if all you're doing is sipping a coffee?
- Comment on If we can use hydrogen to power electric motors, why can’t we use water to run a car? 1 year ago:
It takes a certain amount of energy for water to exist as water, a certain amount of energy for oxygen to exist as oxygen, and a certain amount of energy for hydrogen to exist as hydrogen
The amount of energy it takes for water to keep being water is less than the sum total of the energy it takes for oxygen and hydrogen to keep being themselves.
When you burn hydrogen, it combines with oxygen in the air and makes water. But that requires less energy to exist, so where does the excess energy go? It's released as heat.
To split water back into hydrogen and oxygen, you have to re-add that same amount of energy again.
Hydrogen as a fuel isn't so much a source of energy as a store of energy. A battery doesn't make energy. You charge it with energy so that you can retrieve that energy later. Similarly, a big power plant electrolyses a bunch of water and makes a bunch of hydrogen. Later, you can use that hydrogen in your car without having to be connected to the big power plant that made it.
- Comment on Your meal has been delivered 1 year ago:
it's next to the time ghost
- Comment on Which is less religious: Xmas or Christmas? 1 year ago:
What’s an alternative that features the presents-giving at the same time of year
Festivus is explicitly non-commercial
- Comment on Xbox Slammed For AI-Generated Art Promoting Indie Games 1 year ago:
gods am i glad microsoft didn't have to dip into their literal trillion dollar valuation to pay independent artists any money at all to advertise the independent developers they're so gleeful to take credit for
- Comment on Why a kilobyte is 1000 and not 1024 bytes 1 year ago:
why are you the way that you are?
- Comment on Why a kilobyte is 1000 and not 1024 bytes 1 year ago:
which is 2-state, which is why it's powers of 2
- Comment on Feddit.UK has finally kicked the bucket- and what happens next. 1 year ago:
It was basically an aeroplane flying with dead pilots before then
aren't we all
- Comment on NASA uses laser to send video of a cat named Taters over 19 million miles 1 year ago:
if you want more bandwidth you can just use more lasers
- Comment on Activision QA Workers Protest New Office Mandate, Calling It a 'Soft Layoff' 1 year ago:
They have their own people
microsoft has QA?
- Comment on Sainsbury’s boss defends decision to sell customers’ Nectar card data 1 year ago:
Create anonymous UUID, store interactions against this in a separate table, ensure PII is removed prior to storing
which is more or less exactly what netflix did -> the whole thing's not that hard to find on google
but you need something to distinguish users at least a bit or the data's equivalent to sales figures
you combine that "not-quite-pii" with other independent data sources that have similar "not-quite-pii" and build a complete picture
- Comment on Sainsbury’s boss defends decision to sell customers’ Nectar card data 1 year ago:
anonymising data is a treadmill problem
what might work now won't hold up to the de-anonymising techniques of a few years from now
so no, you can't really
- Comment on Sainsbury’s boss defends decision to sell customers’ Nectar card data 1 year ago:
you can't "anonymize" data
ask the people outed as lgbt by netflix's anonymized data set
- Comment on Employers push for staff to return to the office after working from home as commercial property values plunge 1 year ago:
But the giants are the ones who set the culture for everybody else.
Also, a company might still have holdings/shares/whatever in funds that have invested in commercial real estate.
- Comment on Employers push for staff to return to the office after working from home as commercial property values plunge 1 year ago:
it’s how many people a BUYER wants to put in the building
and that number gets higher if you work to perpetuate a culture that requires people to work in an office
- Comment on Gamers enraged at Ubisoft for injecting ads into the middle of video games 1 year ago:
- Comment on Gamers enraged at Ubisoft for injecting ads into the middle of video games 1 year ago:
I agree that BG3 is a great diversion from the usual. My point is kind of that if you're a purist about this, you're missing out on it, even though on the whole it bucks the trend.
- Comment on Gamers enraged at Ubisoft for injecting ads into the middle of video games 1 year ago:
I mean I guess Divinity never had ads unless you consider the launcher an advert for their other titles, given that that's basically what it's there to do?
If you don't consider anything in launchers to be adverts then I guess you can play BG3, because that's where the advert for the DLC lives?
I really feel like if Larian had only given you the soundtrack and not the cosmetics, and just not called it DLC, that people really wouldn't be so up in arms about it.
- Comment on Gamers enraged at Ubisoft for injecting ads into the middle of video games 1 year ago:
Baldur's Gate 3 was probably the best game of this year (?), but it has an advert for the DLC as soon as you launch it
However, it's also probably one of the least-bad "triple A" games of this year when it comes to overall monetisation, that singular DLC of cosmetics and the soundtrack being the only one available
Unfortunately, I think this one is a losing battle
- Comment on It's important to clearly define your goals 1 year ago:
stool is another word for shit
- Comment on Confiscate properties from rogue landlords, says senior Labour MP 1 year ago:
this seems like a circular argument
most of the value you seem to be proposing could be lost comes from the fact you can rent out a house for profit
- Comment on Confiscate properties from rogue landlords, says senior Labour MP 1 year ago:
Landlords provide a service
do scalpers provide a service of letting you go see a concert?
It’s no different to renting a car
cars depreciate, houses do the opposite
also, nobody has ever had any issues with the car rental industry
Were cars as scarce as homes
golly i wonder why homes are so scarce
landlords are leeches because I don’t like them
good thing "i don't like them" hasn't been given as the justification for anything then, isn't it?
- Comment on Free trial has expired 1 year ago:
i was granted the wisdom to wish quickly within the 30 seconds
- Comment on Free trial has expired 1 year ago:
good thing i have two more wishes, and that the dumb genie just granted me all the knowledge and enlightenment i need to avoid having them backfire
- Comment on It do be like that 1 year ago:
- Comment on Never start vaping, says 12-year-old girl with lung damage 1 year ago:
seeing you struggle and argue
brother i think you just need a hug
u got them on the ropes go for the kill
- Comment on Never start vaping, says 12-year-old girl with lung damage 1 year ago:
tfw your thirteenth birthday was 3 days ago
- Comment on Dababy 1 year ago:
NFTs part 2