Html/css/JavaScript is one of the most highly compatible and prolific stacks to ever exist. I like to say that JavaScript has succeeded where Java was trying to be.
Comment on If you're just going to sit there doing nothing, at least do nothing correctly 1 year ago
This is exactly what the browsers have been doing for decades and why the developer experience with html/css is infuriating. 1 year ago 1 year ago
They didn’t succeeded because they were good, but because they were popular.
Browser devtools are very inferior to java/.net devtools, except the network tab from the browser, only thing the language I gave as example 1 year ago
JavaScript, until recently, was literally the only option. It’s a nightmare of a language littered with bear traps and pitfalls. 1 year ago
Lol 1 year ago
It seems like a decent approach when you’re working with an existing tech stack and not some shiny new technology that has every sorted appropriately. At first I was like “just return an empty list of printers and let the user think there might be printers? Are you mad?” But than I was like “Well, that’s what I would do in an API as well”