- Comment on Really bad advice 1 week ago:
Ren and stimpy was such a weird show
- Comment on turned them into their final form! 3 months ago:
- Comment on Suggestions for Improving Linux Server Security: Beyond User Permissions and Groups? 6 months ago:
I would reconsider docker because if a specific application leaks some sort of shell access or system file access you’ll be protected out side of container host escalation.
Unrelated to security, I prefer docker because it leaves the server very clean if you remove different apps. Can also save time configuring more complex applications or applications that conflict with system libraries.
Add fail2ban on your list of applications it watches logs for invalid logins and puts them on firewall block rules after so many failed attempts.
- Comment on I'm at a loss on what server to buy 6 months ago:
I made the jump to a full server a few years ago and there’s some pretty high limits but you can get them spec’ed pretty low. Something like a dell r730 Single 8 core xenon 32gb ram and a couple tb of storage running 4-500$. They can be upgraded over time to be dual 16 core xenon 1tb ram and petabyte of storage.
- Comment on What is the better game...The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time or Final Fantasy VII? 6 months ago:
It’s really gameplay vs story. Ott heavy on game play where ff7 can be like reading a book. nothing really revolutionary about its game play some beautiful backgrounds and a deep storyline. Ott has some seriously revolutionary 3d interactions.
- Comment on Meta will shut down its Teams competitor Workplace next year 9 months ago:
I didn’t even know they had an offering to compete with teams.
- Comment on What's a good budget home server? 10 months ago:
I guess some perspective on some other comments here. I have a dell r720xd dual xenon’s 16 total cores 128gb ram it uses roughly 200watts per hour with the 11000w power supplies. it can get fairly loud when using lots processing power. I bought a 12u rack to mount it nicely in my office. It is also my guest bedroom, while everyone we have had doesn’t mind the noise not all guests would appreciate the white noise even with many of the cpu intensive stuff turned off and it as quiet as it goes. Fans full tilt would be obnoxious and hard to concentrate.
- Comment on self hosted newbie question about moCA router 10 months ago:
Yeah can confirm this will work. Similar setup great way to get wifi extended without running wires.
- Comment on Dynamic pricing is coming to grocery stores 11 months ago:
Yeah pretty much you can really see it on many highly processed, high margin, non essential food. Think cookies, chips, frozen quick food ect. There is a huge effort to manipulate the prices and drive you to not only buy that product but also draw you into a store.
- Comment on Dynamic pricing is coming to grocery stores 11 months ago:
Just another iteration of what coupons and “bonus” cards are used for.
- Comment on Stuck on Let's Encrypt certificate issuance due to firewall issue even after opening necessary ports 11 months ago:
Google search “Does <isp name> block port 80”
- Comment on Stuck on Let's Encrypt certificate issuance due to firewall issue even after opening necessary ports 11 months ago:
Many home ISPs block port 80 and 25. You should be able to Google that and confirm. If that’s the case you’ll have to use a different method.
- Comment on Union, intersection, difference, and more are coming to JavaScript Sets 1 year ago:
Set functionality was there leveraging object properties this just makes things more concise
- Comment on Hey, I'm new to GitHub! 1 year ago:
This is really bad on mobile too. I usually flip to desktop mode to get to releases page quickly.
- Comment on If you're just going to sit there doing nothing, at least do nothing correctly 1 year ago:
Html/css/JavaScript is one of the most highly compatible and prolific stacks to ever exist. I like to say that JavaScript has succeeded where Java was trying to be.
- Comment on Canada to ban the Flipper Zero to stop surge in car thefts 1 year ago:
streisand effect they are going to be sold out everywhere now
- Comment on Extreme Grandpa 1 year ago:
Is this guy colin furze in 20 years?
- Comment on Should I use Restic, Borg, or Kopia for container backups? 1 year ago:
I setup a script to backup my lvm volumes with kopia. About to purchase some cloud storage to send it off site. Been running for a while de duplication working great. Encryption working as far as I can tell. The sync to other repo option was the main seller for me.
- Comment on The Trick to Going Faster in Software Development is to Take Smaller Steps 1 year ago:
This is the basis behind scrum. Throw some customer feedback on those smaller releases and plan correction good to go.
- Comment on Average Lemmy Active Users by Month 1 year ago:
- Comment on Car dealers say they can’t sell EVs, tell Biden to slow their rollout 1 year ago:
More economical and practical than any electric car on the market lol. Too bad they stopped selling them in the states.
- Comment on Car dealers say they can’t sell EVs, tell Biden to slow their rollout 1 year ago:
Yeah the options just don’t exist yet especially under $35k new what would you buy?
- Comment on Car dealers say they can’t sell EVs, tell Biden to slow their rollout 1 year ago:
They’ve got a huge share of the hybrid market. Why release something sub par (expensive, low range, needs to be plugged in) my guess is they let Tesla and other companies fight it out and learn from them wait for the infrastructure to catch up then sell to the common person not just people who can afford to have a less practical car.
- Comment on Car dealers say they can’t sell EVs, tell Biden to slow their rollout 1 year ago:
I think they are just being very conservative on their lineup. They’ll hold on to hybrids till they can absolutely rock the EV world. Technology that improves EVs generally improves hybrids also and they will just sell better because they are more flexible.
- Comment on Car dealers say they can’t sell EVs, tell Biden to slow their rollout 1 year ago:
I’m putting money on Toyota and their Panasonic batteries to build something like a Corolla EV for $25k USD 400 mile range.
Infrastructure is going to have to keep up too. Unless you are in a progressive/new/expensive apartment/neighborhood has reliable access to chargers that’s going to have to change before you can start selling EVs to lower and lower middle class. Right now they only make sense of you have a garage to park in.