Comment on Why is living with your parents considered a bad thing? 1 year ago
I’m 23 and still living with my dad. Why wouldn’t I take the deal to have no rent while I work full time at a decent job so I can pay off my student loans? Sounds stupid to move out at least for me right now 1 year ago
Why dont you pay him any rent? Houses are expensive and you are using electricity, water, gas etc. Im sure he would appreciate it if you just decided to pay your way. 1 year ago
When my kids are old enough to be in position, I’ll tell em to use it on debt first, too. 1 year ago
Nailed it. Debt paid down in your twenties is gone.
Debt you barely service until your forties…. Never goes away. 1 year ago
Its gonna be so much harder for them than it was for me in the early 2000s. I know my generation’s parents expected most of us to end off better than they did, but I don’t feel like anybody who graduated high school after 2008 ever had a chance and it’s just fucking heartbreaking. 1 year ago
Have child Paying rent while in debt is kind of counter productive If your goal as a parent is to maximize success of your children. Even if they were debt free I’ll probably just pocket the money into a ETF or something fo when they need a house. 1 year ago
“Success” is very subjective. 1 year ago
Sure I can’t disagree but money allows for options. Why force your children to burn more money in interest than needed if you can afford it. Faster they pay off loans faster they can prosper on thier own. 1 year ago
This is also age and culturally contextual. If kid and dad are on the same page about why junior is still living there, and if Dad is financially secure, he may want kid to pay down debt and be ready to jump straight to a nice place of their own. Now, if the family unit overall could use the help, and there is no specific plan for junior to move out, and and they're just sandbagging to have more money in their pocket after paying down student loans, it could be kinda shitty. Paying down the debt is not bad; minimizing overall cost of living for the family is not bad; what Boop2133 does with their money beyond loan payments might be bad.