So you’ve been a server and are aware of the uneven pay and the fact that if you don’t get good enough tips you’re making a starvation wage of minimum wage, and yet you still decide “fuck those people who are being exploited by restaurant owners because I don’t agree with tipping.” That’s heartless
Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year agoYou guessed wrong. I have a strong opinion against tipping specifically because of working in restaurants including as a server.
I did not like the inconsistent pay and would have preferred consistent pay. I’m sorry if that doesn’t align with your worldview. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Yes, because I’m against the inconsistent pay I experienced and want it to end so others do not experience the same.
Heartless is continuing to encourage such a system. 1 year ago
You not tipping isn’t going to result in any fundamental change in the system, you’re just stiffing the people who are being exploited. 1 year ago
Me not tipping probably the most meaningfully personal action I can take to help to bring a change to the system, namely ending tipping.
It’s certainly more effective than continued tipping is at trying to end tipping. 1 year ago
As a back of house worker, nothing was more disheartening then hearing all the servers go “I only made $200 in tips today in three hours” and being like “I only made $40 because I worked three hours.” 1 year ago
Yep, having worked both sides is probably part of why I see tipping as so silly.