Comment on Google Pulls the Plug: The End of Third-Party Cookies and What it Means | TWiT.TV 1 year agoVaping has associated the smell of cotton candy with assholes who can’t keep their smelly (and potentially dangerous) substance abuse away from unconsenting people, because they think no one will mind because it smells like cotton candy. 1 year ago
let’s ban it along with cooking smells, car exhaust, perfume, and cheap deodorant. and any other smells you personally don’t like. sound good? 1 year ago
I should just let this go, but part of what offends me about vaping is that people will do it instead of smoking in spaces where smoking is explicitly banned. Since it’s smoking adjacent to me mentally (and to a limited extent in causing harm to third parties), I dislike that. And we do ban things like perfume in gyms because it causes unreasonably unpleasant experiences for the people around you, and I shower after grilling or frying if I’m going out, because it is unpleasant for the people around me. It’s different degrees of unpleasantness for everything, but I don’t think it’s unfair for me to dislike people blowing vape clouds in my face indoors. 1 year ago
where i live, you can’t vape where you can’t smoke, so we don’t have that issue. i can see how it would bug people, for sure. 1 year ago
Just saying that second hand vaping exposure seems to be something that isn’t well understood, but potentially harmful. Just like how vaping is proving not to be harmless to the paper these days. That’s what differentiates it from those other smells you’re mentioning to me. 1 year ago
it’s the same stuff as in digger machines at shows. anyway, in my town you can vape whet you can smoke. which is outside. 1 year ago
Car exhaust is so much worse for you than vaping. Much less second hand vaping. 1 year ago
That’s fair, I did miss car exhaust from that list with my previous comment. 1 year ago
I wonder if the smell of hamburger is offensive to vegans?