- Comment on Lemmy votes ARE public, should they be anonymous? 6 months ago:
No, actually
- Comment on Lemmy votes ARE public, should they be anonymous? 6 months ago:
I’m guessing we saw the same one, and that’s literally the only instance I’ve completely blocked.
- Comment on Smart sous vide cooker to start charging $2/month for 10-year-old companion app 6 months ago:
Make sure you dry your steak extremely well, and then basically shallow fry it in a cast iron or other heavy pan. Don’t need to deep fry it, but if you really want it as crispy, you want a real layer of oil.
One strength of sous vide is you can get even normal steaks much more tender than otherwise possible, just by extending your sous vide time up to two or three hours.
- Comment on Ecovacs home robots can be hacked to spy on their owners, researchers say 6 months ago:
Mine also mops, refills the mop water and soap, washes it’s own mop, and drains the dirty water down the drain.
- Comment on Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals 8 months ago:
The Forest is a good multiplayer survival crafting game, with a pretty cool story. The sequel is also already out I think.
- Comment on Impossibly thin fabric could cool you down by 16-plus degrees 8 months ago:
… Silk is used as a cold weather baselayer in active wear? Not sure if it performs differently as an outer layer, but it’s got solid insulating properties for keeping in heat
- Comment on Photographers Push Back on Facebook's 'Made with AI' Labels Triggered by Adobe Metadata. Do you agree “‘AI was used in this image’ is completely different than ‘Made with AI’”? 8 months ago:
The biggest use of AI in my editing flow is masking. I can spend half an hour selecting all the edges of a person as well as I can, or I can click the button to select people. Either way I do the rest of my edits as normal.
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
Unironically, I do in fact do this all the time. I make large batches when I bake, so it’s easier to just tare and measure everything directly in the stand mixer bowl instead of scooping 16 cups. It’s also less clean up afterwards!
- Comment on Roku explores taking over HDMI feeds with ads 11 months ago:
Is there anyone selling high quality dumb TV’s though?
- Comment on Supernova Absorption for Nulification 11 months ago:
A lot of people here have the right idea, but are just more pessimistic than me about the industrial capabilities of our civilization if we survive long enough to achieve them. Star lifting is an idea with what I understand to be reasonably sound scientific principles. It’s just a matter of scaling our industry over the next millions or billions of years.
I like this channel because he’s a fairly optimistic but very reality based futurist. He’ll tell you straight up if something is unlikely or impossible based on our current understanding of science, but he’s one of the few sources I’ve seen that acknowledges the immense scale that even an Earth or solar system bound civilization is capable of supporting with just modern technology.
- Comment on Banana Pi's $31 BPI-WiFi 6 router runs a fork of OpenWrt - Liliputing 11 months ago:
I work in industry with MediaTek chips. We basically have to reverse engineer them to get anything done, because they refuse to give us anything, and what they do give us doesn’t work.
- Comment on Roku disables TVs and streaming devices until users consent to new terms 11 months ago:
The main problem with a mini PC is a lot of streaming services won’t serve you 4k content. Not an issue if you get your content from other sources though.
- Comment on Boeing: Last Week Tonight 11 months ago:
I don’t know that the second part would succeed. I feel like it’d end up with the same contractor structure, but now the contractors are whoever’s company bought the right senators.
- Comment on Love to do this 1 year ago:
Just gonna say that no one into cars that I know guns it from a red light because they think it’ll get them anywhere faster. It’s just because it makes us happy to do that. You’re laughing at something we don’t care about at all.
Even if you do care about that, it’s not like gunning it never succeeds in getting you just past the next light before the red either.
Also, personally, it’s much more comfortable to be at the front of the pack where I’m free to move, rather than being blocked in on all sides where my options to avoid an accident are constrained. This is honestly what I don’t get the most about people who are part of rolling roadblocks. If an animal or person runs into the road ahead of you, you have literally nowhere to dodge besides braking and hoping.
- Comment on I've noticed that people make the 'surface of the sun' temperature comparison a lot 1 year ago:
Try this one, I found it easier to at least think I understand what it’s talking about:…/Negative-Absolute-Temperature…
Basic attempt at eli16: Temperatures are defined by entropy, rather than kinetic motion like we’re used to thinking. In certain constrained systems, it’s possible to create a situation where there is a maximum energy state, and saturating the particles in the system such that they’re all close to that state creates a situation where the entropy starts decreasing (the system is less disordered since all particles are at the same maximum energy). That state where the entropy is decreasing is where negative temperatures exist.
End attempt. Disclaimer, I’m probably wrong, having spent just a few minutes skimming these two articles and trying to summarize what I understood.
- Comment on /c/dadjokes 1 year ago:
De-liver the baby
- Comment on Google Pulls the Plug: The End of Third-Party Cookies and What it Means | TWiT.TV 1 year ago:
I should just let this go, but part of what offends me about vaping is that people will do it instead of smoking in spaces where smoking is explicitly banned. Since it’s smoking adjacent to me mentally (and to a limited extent in causing harm to third parties), I dislike that. And we do ban things like perfume in gyms because it causes unreasonably unpleasant experiences for the people around you, and I shower after grilling or frying if I’m going out, because it is unpleasant for the people around me. It’s different degrees of unpleasantness for everything, but I don’t think it’s unfair for me to dislike people blowing vape clouds in my face indoors.
- Comment on Google Pulls the Plug: The End of Third-Party Cookies and What it Means | TWiT.TV 1 year ago:
That’s fair, I did miss car exhaust from that list with my previous comment.
- Comment on Google Pulls the Plug: The End of Third-Party Cookies and What it Means | TWiT.TV 1 year ago:
Just saying that second hand vaping exposure seems to be something that isn’t well understood, but potentially harmful. Just like how vaping is proving not to be harmless to the paper these days. That’s what differentiates it from those other smells you’re mentioning to me.
- Comment on Google Pulls the Plug: The End of Third-Party Cookies and What it Means | TWiT.TV 1 year ago:
Vaping has associated the smell of cotton candy with assholes who can’t keep their smelly (and potentially dangerous) substance abuse away from unconsenting people, because they think no one will mind because it smells like cotton candy.
- Comment on A "Healthy Amount of Cheese" is always an Unhealthy Amount of Cheese. 1 year ago:
What’s the ratio of cheese to sodium citrate?
- Comment on This Windows tool makes it super easy to debloat and cut down ads on your Android TV 1 year ago:
It takes literally no effort with ProjectIvy. It’s just a menu selection in the new launcher to set it as default.
When I tried FLauncher it didn’t have that convenient selection, and I’d have to adb in to set it as default. So I didn’t end up using it.
- Comment on Steam has a new hit game, and it’s Pokémon with guns 1 year ago:
Tbf the description of the game basically reads as “recreate colonialism”.
- Comment on Petition demands that Microsoft extends Windows 10 support 1 year ago:
Get Adobe to port their software to Linux. They’re literally all that’s holding me on Windows. I know there’s some options to replace them, but those seem to be a mixed bag of seemingly deliberately difficult to use, or require way too much setup time to port my existing portfolio (LR to DT).
- Comment on what's the highest increase in salary you've had or seen? 1 year ago:
~220% total comp for me last year, switching companies from a job with okay but below market pay, and becoming a senior software engineer in the move. I think I can feasibly double one more time if I try, but it’d be a bigger push and likely involve working for FAANG. Anything more that is outside my reasonably likely career path.
- Comment on How's the "Barbie" movie? [SPOILERS] 1 year ago:
On the good side, I spent the majority of the movie smiling, and overall enjoyed it. Some of the jokes definitely really landed great.
The acting was great, the balance between doll like and real movement was well done by everyone.
Main complaint was some of the more serious parts felt like they were going way too long, without anything to justify paying attention to them after a while.
Not sure how I feel about the feminism stuff, though I do feel like I may have gained some more appreciation for what the world feels like to a lot of women. The parody of men was what it was, but I can’t say it didn’t all have real roots, and generally was a reasonable balance of cringe and hilarious. It did not make me stop smiling, just made me wince at the same time.
Simu couldn’t keep from smiling himself, which was hilarious. I’m glad he was enjoying himself so much.
- Comment on Hello Photographers and Videographers! 1 year ago:
No, though I’ve thought about buying one just so I have a dedicated space for this that isn’t inside my bags. Was looking at Ruggard, can’t say anything about them since I don’t own one yet.
Probably. I don’t use mine commercially, just have a ridiculous amount. So I’m about to tag mine as a rider to my renters insurance for something like $10 a month for ~20-30k coverage.