Here is an interview with a Dutch demolitions expert, who claims that WTC 7 was clearly brought down in a controlled demolition.
Comment on Why were so many people believers in the conspiracy that 9/11 was an inside job 1 year agoI think it is because of the bizarre way the towers collapsed. Just like a controlled demolition looks like.
Also, the way the WTC7 that did not get hit by any plane also collapsed, supposedly because it caught on fire too.
I think this is really the cause of suspicion, it was just pretty bizarre. Also a lot of people came forward to explain that a fire couldn’t brind such a massive structure down.
Also, the US is known for doing weird shit behind everyone’s backs, like weird shit the CIA is constantly doing, like taking governments down or causing a drug crisis in black neighborhoods.
You gotta admit the US agencies are sneaky in general, so it wouldn’t be a surprise if they were actually responsible for the twin towers.
There’s no evidence but I’m pretty sure the CIA was somehow involved with the Nord Stream pipeline 1 year ago 1 year ago
That’s an awful video, he didn’t talk technically about anything. 1 year ago
How do you place explosives at exactly the height of impact? 1 year ago
I’m not saying it is a conspiracy, I was just explaining why people think it is.
But let’s assume they did place the explosives, they wouldn’t have to be in the place of impact, they would be located in many places, just like a controlled demolition.
Again, not saying that’s what happened, just saying that the US is constantly doing sneaky stuff under the covers, which is why most conspiracies don’t seem far fetched.
Do you really think it is insane to believe the US made up the moon landing as a propaganda campaign against Russia? I believe we went to the moon, but if they came up with official documents saying we didn’t, I would be like “welp, US doing US things I guess” 1 year ago
Do you really think it is insane to believe the US made up the moon landing as a propaganda campaign against Russia?
Which moon landing? All of them? There was more than one. And yes I think it is very nearly insane given how much evidence we have. 1 year ago
If you want to take this to a philosophical extreme so you understand my argument, is it possible to ever know anything with certainty?
What do you call evidence? Photos, videos, testimony… Do I personally trust in that evidence? Yes, it would be very unlikely to be fake, but many unlikely conspiracies have surfaced in the past. 1 year ago
And yet One Meridian Plaza was a skyscraper built in the same era as 7 World Trade Center that had a fire so bad that caused the building to be condemned due to structural damage caused by the fire. The only reason One Meridian Plaza didn’t completely collapse during the fire was because there were fire sprinklers on some of the floors and the fire got up to a floor that had them.
So now Lower Manhattan had lost water pressure, making the fire sprinkler system worthless. You also had a lot of the people who would be responsible for fighting the fire pancaked in debris nearby. This was the first skyscraper of its size in a over a decade allowed to burn.
But a controlled demolition is a lot more comforting of a thought that the complete failure of disaster response. 1 year ago
I think the biggest evidence of structural damage and not a controlled demolition is the lack of explosion sounds. This is what a controlled demolition sounds like, but witnesses didn’t hear or feel explosions: 1 year ago
Also, in the WTC7 collapse video, you can see the rooftop penthouse collapse into the building a few seconds before the building collapses. This was the floors collapsing as the inner columns failed which left the building as an empty shell that had no lateral support. Controlled demolitions don’t look or act like that.