Lemmy maintainer. Interested in politics, video games, and many other things.
- Comment on Server Update 6 days ago:
Your improved onboarding features sound very useful, and Im sure other Lemmy admins would also like to use them. Do you have a repo link so that we can add it to the mod tools list on joinlemmy? (at the bottom of the page)
Also congratulations on becoming a parent, it will definitely change your life in a good way :)
- Comment on [PSA] Lemmy account deletion is a mess 2 weeks ago:
Originally account deletion would always delete your posts, comments and everything. This was changed in 0.19 to make the content deletion optional (otherwise a lot of posts and comments would disappear unnecessarily). Unfortunately we forgot to add the new option to the user interface for 0.19, but it was added probably around 0.19.4.
Its hard to say why the federation didnt work properly, maybe there was a network error, or a bug in older Lemmy versions that got fixed in the meantime. Or there is still a bug which only happens in some cases.
- Comment on [PSA] Lemmy account deletion is a mess 2 weeks ago:
When deleting the account did you mark the checkbox “Delete all posts, comments and uploaded images”? is running an old version so its possible that this is missing.
- Submitted 2 weeks ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Be the change you want to see in Lemmy 2 weeks ago:
That would take a significant amount of work to implement, and we dont have the resources for it. But all the code is open source, so youre welcome to give it a try yourself.
- Comment on Be the change you want to see in Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
We haven’t banned anyone for trying to contribute. If you’re talking about bans from, that doesn’t prevent anyone from contributing on Github. Besides, the whole purpose of Lemmy is that there can be different instances with different moderation policies.
- Comment on Be the change you want to see in Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
There is usually an about page with the source link, or the joinlemmy apps page usually has a link.
- Comment on Be the change you want to see in Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
I definitely plan to read the Silmarillion, because the history of middle earth sounds so interesting.
- Comment on Be the change you want to see in Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
Its best if you improve the existing site, that way you dont have to worry about hosting, or directing users to your new site.
- Comment on Be the change you want to see in Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
I dont think its a good idea to give money to Google or Bing for advertising. It would make Lemmy appear like a commercial project and give false expectations. And we barely have enough money for development so in my opinion money its better to donate. However if you have money and want to spend it on advertising, nothing is stopping you from doing that.
- Comment on Be the change you want to see in Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
Are you referring to It has a randomized order for the instances, so usually smaller ones are near the top.
- Comment on Be the change you want to see in Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
Instance topics are defined here:…/instances-definitions.ts#L1…
- Comment on Be the change you want to see in Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
I do, although the sections in Mordor are a bit tedious to get through. But its worth it for all the details that were left out of the movies.
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to | 106 comments
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
Like I said you’re welcome to make pull requests. Lemmy is not a corporation employing multiple designers, but an open source project run by volunteers. So if you want to see something done, it’s best to do it yourself.
- Comment on Onboarding experience needs to be simpler for mass adoption 3 weeks ago:
Who gets to decide which instances match that description? Everyone will come up with a slightly different list.
- Comment on Onboarding experience needs to be simpler for mass adoption 3 weeks ago:
Pull request welcome!
- Comment on Onboarding experience needs to be simpler for mass adoption 3 weeks ago:
You’re welcome to improve the text. That said the site is in large part aimed at instance admins and technical people. For normal users it’s better to link them directly to a specific instance.
- Comment on Five Confusing Fediverse Things 3 weeks ago:
Happy to see that the Peertube embed is working now (Lemmy 0.19.9)
- Comment on Decentralised social media offers an alternative to big tech platforms like X and Meta. How does it work? Podcast 3 weeks ago:
You guys had very bad luck with the database, but other instances didn’t have such problems.
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
Exactly it seems most people here still didn’t realize that this is an open source project run by volunteers, not a corporation with countless employees and a profit motive. If people want something to get done then it’s best they start doing it themselves.
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 3 weeks ago: is excluded because it represents more than 30% of all active Lemmy users, thats too much. And yes the list is somewhat randomized. Youre welcome to improve all this.
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
A/B testing is not really possible in a decentralized system like this, it would require all instance admins to collaborate for collecting results, and would make deployment much more complicated. Not to forget that there simply arent enough development resources to implement it. That said if you see anything that can be improved, you’re welcome to make a pull request. Its standard Typescript wit TailwindCSS and Inferno, nothing complicated.
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
Thats funny, Im also 32 and completely happy with the default Lemmy UI. Definitely wouldnt use something like new Reddit. But the good thing is that there are so many different choices, and its possible to create instances with a different default UI.
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
Pull requests are more than welcome to improve the site. Its basic Typescript, TailwindCSS and Inferno.
You can also make changes to the documentation, its markdown just like Lemmy itself. So if you would write something differently then open a pull request and change it!
- Comment on Niche Communities won't be able to reach their true potential until lemmy adds a sort that takes engagement into account. 3 months ago:
If there are still problems you should open a new issue. We cant leave issues open forever because they go stale and dont account for new features.
- Comment on Men: What sequence do you fellow to dry your body off after showering or bathing? 5 months ago:
Just move the towel around randomly until Im halfway dry. Doesnt matter if there is some water left, it will dry soon enough.
- Comment on Mbin instances 5 months ago:
Big words from someone who posts anonymously, and who never contributed anything positive to the internet.
- Comment on Mbin instances 5 months ago:
That’s only one developer, but you were talking in plural. What other Lemmy dev are you referring to?
- Comment on Mbin instances 5 months ago:
I haven’t seen that community before. Some people have way too much time on their hands to keep posting about things they dislike. But at least it proves that censorship on Lemmy is impossible, when not even us developers can do it.