How on Earth am I saying that?
Sorry I got it wrong. What exactly are you saying with that point?
Have you met the average Fox viewer?
What does the average Fox viewer have to do with you and your point?
Conservative media not giving a shit about the truth isn’t a conspiracy theory, it’s a fact. Hence Fox having to pay a billion dollars to Dominion.
Wait, now we are just talking about conservative media? I thought we were talking about the media wanting you to think there was actually a race? 1 year ago
Yes, I was just talking about conservative media. The media as a whole loves a horse race, but they aren’t generally willing to lie to get it.
That said, polls right now are all over the place, which does put the media in general in a good place because a contentious election means more viewers.
But that’s not a conspiracy, that’s just capitalism- an exciting election equals more news viewers equals higher advertising rates. Would, say, CBS news lie about the polls to achieve that? I doubt it. Would Fox? Absolutely. 1 year ago
So how does this tie into your original point that it’s hard for you to believe that anyone isn’t decided? The whole point of bringing up polls in general was to show that this shouldn’t be hard to believe at all. The claim that you were always just talking about the conservative media seems like a massive non-sequitur. 1 year ago
Yes, when polls are all over the place, it’s hard to believe them. I gave you the link to see for yourself. 1 year ago
It is impossible to escape political propaganda in modern America. It’s on your internet, it’s on your radio, it’s on your cable TV, it’s on your streaming TV, it’s on your super bowl ads, it’s on your gas station pumps, it’s on your news sources, it’s on your social media. “Oh I don’t pay attention to politics” is no longer a reasonable excuse because that is impossible, it’s shoved down the throat of every citizen nonstop from every angle. The two candidates, in this case Trump and Biden, are such polar opposites of each other in every single possible regard that the only way someone can be undecided between the two is if their multiple personalities are arguing over it. 1 year ago
So what are you saying, exactly? That the polls are made up and there is some conspiracy to mislead? What you are saying sounds potentially reasonable, but at the same time the numbers don’t support it.