- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
I mean, presumably if I’m standing outside my car with a key, I just unlock the door and open it. Can’t do that with a dead tesla.
- Comment on Decades later, John Romero looks back at the birth of the first-person shooter 8 months ago:
I think Selaco beat him to the punch there. I am by no means a game designer but it’s seriously impressive what they did with the gzdoom engine. I have a hard time imaging anything that could top it within the same engine.
- Comment on Which side are you on? 8 months ago:
Honestly with a writeup like this I wouldn’t be mad about it even if you did, this is excellent
- Comment on Natural selection has no plan 8 months ago:
Carcinisation. Presumably rooted in the Cancer crab constellation.
- Comment on OpenAI strikes Reddit deal to train its AI on your posts 9 months ago:
Just collate them based on edit/deletion date… Each post will have a last-edited attribute that can be used for sorting. Even more so once the AI is bootstrapped enough to start recognizing the standard protest edit messages. At that point you hardly even need human oversight anymore, because the bot will be able to recognize “that’s a fuck spez edit, ignore that; this post looks good; that’s a Shreddit/PowerDelete edit, ignore that” and so on. Can even have it fetch the previous edit automatically when it comes across something like that, to a point where a comment removed by a PowerDelete tool is nothing more than a cover letter that states “there was once a real human-generated comment in this location”.
- Comment on Microsoft's carbon emissions up nearly 30% thanks to AI 9 months ago:
I have a feeling there is a very large number of people just waiting for the shoe to drop
- Comment on Ron DeSantis signs bill scrubbing ‘climate change’ from Florida state laws 9 months ago:
Property insurance? Florida as a whole is about to be completely underwater, potentially within a matter of decades. They’ve got bigger problems than property insurance.
- Comment on YOU. 9 months ago:
Pay me twenty bucks and delete discord
- Comment on Nearly all Nintendo 64 games can now be recompiled into native PC ports to add proper ray tracing, ultrawide, high FPS, and more 9 months ago:
Of course. Backwards compatibility for Nintendo died with the original Wii. That’s almost certainly never coming back.
- Comment on Why do arranged marriages persist in many cultures? 9 months ago:
Sure, that’s fair. And you might have had good parents. But that does not always generalize.
- Comment on iPad Pro with M4 chip boasts impressive performance jump compared to just-released M3 MacBook Air 9 months ago:
For legal reasons I am required to inform you that I am not a financial advisor. In fact, I am not real.
- Comment on Does it seem odd to track my lifespan? 9 months ago:
This is good advice. Most people aren’t weird enough to be happy. Pay attention and you’ll notice most of the super weird people, that project their weirdness and wear it openly, are pretty joyful people. They have shed societal expectation to simply exist as they wish to be.
Now there is a balance there, too far in that direction and you sometimes end up unemployed and homeless. But hell, even most van hippies are pretty happy people. You’ve just gotta find where your own balance is on the scale.
- Comment on iPad Pro with M4 chip boasts impressive performance jump compared to just-released M3 MacBook Air 9 months ago:
Now you have the time to actually write up a design document and let your half-baked idea become a fully cooked one before you drop a bunch of cash on it
- Comment on iPad Pro with M4 chip boasts impressive performance jump compared to just-released M3 MacBook Air 9 months ago:
It isn’t a waste if people buy it. Putting M4s in the iPad lets them market it to rubes who think bigger number is better without reading the spec sheet or understanding their own requirements, and if they’re already manufacturing M4s to put in other things, that’s one less production line that needs to run. Sure, they could release an iPad Cheapass Edition with an M1 in it and sell it comfortably at a profit for like $80, but the market for those is likely to be small, they won’t make nearly the overhead profit that the M4 iPad will, it requires an entire extra production line setup, and most importantly it isn’t flashy enough for Apple. They don’t want to release a product that feels cheap, even if it was specifically intended to be cheap. It’s bad brand optics and they care about that a lot. Let China sell a bunch of bootleg tablets to people that want them, they’re gonna do that anyway regardless if Apple gets in the train or not, and this way Apple isn’t tarnishing their product lineup with a PoorPad^TM
- Comment on Why do arranged marriages persist in many cultures? 9 months ago:
I saw the non marriage related choices they made when I was a kid. Like hell I’m letting them choose my life partner. You’re assuming all parents are rational and efficient, when many, even most of them are not. They are also just people, as prone to mistakes and bad choices as you or I. If I’m getting handcuffed to a bad decision I’d like if it was at least my own bad decision.
- Comment on Biden really, really doesn’t want China to flood the US with cheap EVs 9 months ago:
Plenty of room in the back
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
I remember playing Midnight Club 3 when I was a kid and learning about KidRobot from their in world billboards. It fits really well in a racing game.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Noita is so, so, so much more than it seems from the reviews and trailers. Trust me. If the core gameplay looks cool to you, pick it up, and then know that once you’ve “beaten” the game the first time (took me 40 hours to do) you’ve experienced approximately 5% of the total game content. Noita is an Easter egg wrapped inside four secrets wrapped in an enigma. One of my favorite games ever made.
- Comment on Favourite controllers 9 months ago:
I really wanted to like the OG steam controller but the touchpad-joystick-analogue makes it basically impossible to play any of the games I’d want a controller for. It’s a great controller for using on things that aren’t really intended for controller. Want to play an FPS leaning back in your chair? It’s great for that. Want to play Hades? I’m gonna pass and plug in my dualshock instead.
I actually revisited it recently and gave it a second shot after getting used to the steam deck pads, but unfortunately it’s still not really doing it for me personally.
- Comment on Suicide Squad Cost Warner Bros. $200 Million In Revenue 9 months ago:
I think it was profitable, at one point, up until the bait and switch that was Overwatch 2.
- Comment on PSA: Don't eat cicadas if you're allergic to shellfish... or at all 9 months ago:
I’m all for it being an available food source, but I’d rather it not be my available food source. If my choices are to eat bugs or die, fuck it, cook me up some bugs. But in any other situation I would find it difficult to handle my instinctual revulsion if I knew what I was eating.
- Comment on Stack Overflow bans users en masse for rebelling against OpenAI partnership — users banned for deleting answers to prevent them being used to train ChatGPT 9 months ago:
Also a market there. Especially among programmers. You might be onto something.
- Comment on Meta AI is obsessed with turbans when generating images of Indian men 9 months ago:
Ask an AI for pictures of Texans and see how many cowboy hats it gives back to you.
- Comment on How to opt out of the privacy nightmare that comes with new Hondas 9 months ago:
Haven’t seen a new car that can play tapes in nearly 20 years. Got bad news, boss.
- Comment on Choose your difficulty 9 months ago:
Fair point, I didn’t even make that connection. Seems obvious now in hindsight.
- Comment on Choose your difficulty 9 months ago:
This particular meme is probably older than you are
I don’t like it very much, but I also know the OP’s typical posting history (Picard Maneuver is pretty prolific on meme Lemmy) and I can say with some certainty that that ain’t it, chief. At worst it’s a bad take that the OP definitely didn’t make themselves because I’ve seen this meme decades ago.
Bad take and all though, it seems to have sparked some discussion here in the comments.
- Comment on Choose your difficulty 9 months ago:
Hospitals generally won’t refuse treatment to anyone as far as I know, even if you tell them straight up at check in that you won’t be able to pay them. You’ll still get treated, provided they have the space and staff available to treat you.
However, afterward, that debt will haunt you like a vengeful ghost for the rest of your life.
- Comment on „If companies were to do the right thing, they would lose the most valuable customers on earth, preteen kids” 9 months ago:
Basically, yeah, but if every single LBP level wanted to nickel and dime you out of five bucks.
- Comment on Gen Z mostly doesn't care if influencers are actual humans, new study shows 9 months ago:
Right. There have been folks getting paid for (and enjoying) being the center of attention since culture has existed. The entire concept of cinema comes from this. I wouldn’t call Rowan Atkinson or Penn & Teller “attention whores or people who only want free shit” but they are the “influencers” of their time.
The dynamic has shifted, but I don’t see it as some inherently bad thing, this just reads as a “kids bad!” kind of statement.
- Comment on The Verge shows how Google search is useless 9 months ago:
I don’t know what “right” key wording you want if not the exact model and part number.