Eh it doesn’t really, there isn’t a surge in radio attacks on cars, this feels like a distraction
But I’m with you on your first point, security needs to be hardened and the only one who can truly do that is the manufacturer
Comment on Canada to ban the Flipper Zero to stop surge in car thefts 11 months ago
Personally, i would require car manufacturers to make their cars resistant to such trivial exploits, but this works too i guess
Eh it doesn’t really, there isn’t a surge in radio attacks on cars, this feels like a distraction
But I’m with you on your first point, security needs to be hardened and the only one who can truly do that is the manufacturer
It’s the equivalent of banning paperclips because they saw a videoclip of somebody opening locks with a paper clip, and completely ignoring all other tools that can open a lock faster than using the key.
This, but apparently they already did this in 1990. Though it sounds like this might instead make the fob go out of sync and no longer work, but that’s also on the manufacturers.
Also I wouldn’t be surprised if phones could be made to do radio signal recording and playback. You might need a USB ADC/DAC and antenna, but it’s not like this device is doing something really sophisticated for this particular attack. 11 months ago
But, but, what about their precious profits??