Comment on Mozilla CEO quits, org pivots, but what about Firefox? ⁨7⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Why? Well, it was Chrome. Yes, I know many of you spit at the very name. Get over it.

OK, boomer (yes, “surprise! surprise!”, this harticle – for “hate driven article” – was written by a boomer, and one that writes for several online publications, too).

This article is not only a (staggering) failure from the aforementioned Steven to grasp what really is at play here, but it also shows a significant, shocking lack of quality assurance in the way “theregister” determines what gets publicated. This piece isn’t an opinion as much as a flaming bag of shit, meant to stink everyone’s shoes, and motivated only by the author’s ineptitude-fuelled frustration in what seems a textbook example of the Dunning–Kruger effect.

Lemme first address my primary point, in relation to what I quoted at the top, I’ll get to illustrating the various failures of the author after that.

No, Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, we will not “get over it”.

The first inaccuracy is in depicting Mozilla Firefox a “a browser”. It isn’t merely just another browser. Firefox is the last widespread multiplatform browser that isn’t using the blink engine (yes I know GNOME Web and Konqueror use WebKit, which is blink’s ancestor, BTW, but they are hardly widespread. And safari isn’t multiplatform).

Why does that matter? Because the engine is essentially all that a browser is, once you strip away the cosmetics. So the actual contest here isn’t between a dozen of browsers, but between two engines, and Firefox’s is, indeed, in a dire position. But if we let it go further, it will, as Steve puts it, fall into irrelevance (the inaccuracy here is that the harticle depicts Firefox as already irrelevant).

And if we ever come to the point where only one engine prevails, where services necessary for administrations, citizenship, and life in general, can drop support for anything else than blink, it is the end of the open web, and of open source web browsers in general[^1].

You will then have to input intimate personal information into a proprietary software, by law.

If you don’t see this as a problem, you are part of the problem.

And this is why we can’t “get over it”.
The internet is much more than just the web. But 100% (rounded from 99.999+%) of users are unaware of that.
The web is much more than browsing. But 100% (rounded) of users are unaware of that.

We are getting our technology reduced to the lowest common denominator, and this denominator is set by people who fail to open PDFs.

Now, as to the other blunders I mentioned above, here are a bunch:

[^1]: Only chromium and brave are available as open source software, chromium is maintained by Google as a courtesy, they can pull the plug any time, it will probably only affect their revenue positively. Brave is 3 times less popular than Firefox
