Your description makes me think of Pierce Hawthorne’s father in Community.
Comment on Maybe Lovecraft wasn't as talented as people think? 1 year agoLovecraft’s racism is what I call “hilarious racism”, if you’ll pardon the term. I’ve only ever thought that in connection with HP. He was very much a product of his times, as we all are. Eugenics was all the rage, and you can pick that out in his works.
Lovecraft wasn’t merely racist against non-whites, he was racist against anyone who wasn’t of the “right stock”. He might snob you if you were a white man, living in Rhode Island, of English or German descent, but came from the wrong family tree. LOL, this guy rated humans like dog breeders rate bloodlines. OG Playa Hater’s Ball.
And speaking of his times, look at when he wrote. We were just discovering how incomprehensibly monstrous the solar system was, how big the Milky Way was, just then understanding that we lived in a galaxy. And we didn’t know there were others. FFS, Pluto wasn’t discovered until 1930.
Anyway, well worth reading his complete works. Good shit. Grab a copy off me. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Reminds me of that big racist guy in Disco Elysium. 1 year ago
When I got that side quest to internalize the racist shit he’s spouting I lost it. What a game. 1 year ago
That part was hilarious. It’s so good that you can play as someone who can make all that racist shit make sense in your head lol.
I’m curious about the 7’2" Dutch exchange student. I must have missed that story. 1 year ago
There is a torrent for the audiobooks, narrated by Wayne June (the narrator from Darkest Dungeon).
Wayne Junes reading Lovecraft is a match made in heaven. I strongly recommend giving it a try