There’s no moral reason to have that much money. If you earned $2500 a day (about a million dollars a year) it would take you just under 1200 years to earn a billion dollars. I personally believe you should earn more if you work harder than others but there’s simply no way anyone could work hard enough to deserve more than anyone should make in 15 lifetimes. If you are lucky enough to get that amount of money there’s no moral reason to keep it all.
Now think about how Bezos is worth 192.4 billion dollars. Hopefully that helps folks understand the problem. And by problem, I mean the largest threat we are facing to human existence. Every other issue we’re having stems from the fact that billionaires exist. 1 year ago
Because you can’t get that much without exploitation and refusing to share. 1 year ago
If a person inherits 1b. Does it automatically make him a bad person? 1 year ago
If they keep it for themselves, yes. 1 year ago
Ya because their bloodline is already corrupted. They were raised by shit heads. They will be shit heads. It runs in the family. 1 year ago
I bet your ancestors have done some really fucked up sruff 1 year ago
Yeah, no. Billionaires suck, including if they inherited the money. But being raised by shit heads does not mean you’re destined to become a shit head.