Comment on That's a low blow 1 year agoWell see that’s why I didn’t go by just US statistics. That link I cited states US statistics as well as worldwide. It would be ignorant of me to make a species-wide claim by using a dataset that only includes 5% of the world population, after all. :) 1 year ago
It does use feets and inches as the measure. That narrows it down a lot. 1 year ago
Could also be the UK, to be fair. The foot units may be different, but both nations use the International Foot.
In any case, I don’t really see the region as being relevant; the meme may be limited to a particular region, but I was objecting more to the whole notion of that stereotype. Which is the same regardless of the unit used 1 year ago
But even the UK is much taller than the global average and you’d be short at 170cm.
How tall or short you’re considered is dependant on that region. People are comparing you to the people around you, not to global average. 1 year ago
People are comparing based on incomplete data. It may be short for one country, but there are humans in other countries too. If those countries population were all shorter than the other, would that make them short? No, it would simply adjust what qualifies as normal.
For a species-wide judgment one needs a species-wide dataset.