My point of view is that the money all capitalist have is a resource that was taken from the rest of us. So donating all of it back would just be the bare minimum someone can do.
After donating all of it back, you’re right we also need to figure out a plan to distribute it properly in the first place, and most important make a system and society that’s gonna provide for everyone.
And no kidding no one found a answer to that, from the beginning of human society we only very briefly achieved some systems that’s almost there. But no one never had the answer. There is always some problems in any society.
What i know for sure is that capitalism is not only not the answer, but is actually a system that’s getting more and more corrupted, with increasing problems. To the point it’s leading us directly to a wall.
So in all the different view we can have of the world, all the different system we can use for society, there is no right system, there is worse than capitalism, but there is also better. I strive for not the definitive best, just better… 1 year ago
[Same](Sociology professor Linsey McGoey has written that many current and past philanthropists amassed their fortunes by predatory business practices which enhanced the very social problems their philanthropy is intended to alleviate.) 1 year ago
What predatory practices? 1 year ago
Exploitation 1 year ago
And how were they being exploitative?