- Comment on Beware: beyond lies an infinite, timeless void from which there is no escape. 11 months ago:
The floor is a lie, it’s just upside down ceilings, always were.
- Comment on You wanna do it, trust me 1 year ago:
I know the cables fit, 'cause i watched them pull away.
- Comment on Now we just need one for Cheddar 🧀 1 year ago:
I don’t know how a calamari could be ring shaped, and i might be tired, but anyway my brain can think of it is just hilarious.
- Comment on Happi Valintynes Dae! 1 year ago:
Dyslexia is common, but people for whom english is not their first language, whose learning is still in progress. Those are even more common on the internet.
- Comment on Chickens! 1 year ago:
When i was a kid i was sleeping on my stomach and i’d have my hands on each thigh, arms tucked in, so the weight of my torso was more on my arms than my thorax for better breathing.
But then i grew down there and that got uncomfortable, so i bent one knee for the room and the hand can’t be tucked on my thighs. So now i bend each arm and put them under the pillow, also shifting my weight on the one opposing my bent knee.
That’s kind of a in between stomach and side but of course letter on i also adopted the side position to switch to, mostly because of my back getting old.
- Comment on Reification 1 year ago:
Do you think it’s false? Because unless you don’t get it i’m not sure i’m interested in formulating logically a trivia.
And it’s not always a problem. When is it not, only if it’s balanced by making a plus-value on that work. And of course if its done within some ethical rules. (For exemple no slavery.) That plus-value is what’s better for moderately rich people who can create jobs and services without the problems that most very rich creates…
I think all the services you quoted would have been implemented either way. Some like cars for example might have been at the expense of better ways. An exemple is how, in the us, highways replaced the railroad system for profit.
In general, the way they implemented those solutions was through corruption like that and unethical work condition. (And it goes beyond the service they got rich on, to what they are doing currently too)
Moreover this idea of selling things at the (highest) price people are willing to buy is a great factor in creating many of thoses problems.
It’s the same logic that makes work conditions unethical. That includes using worker in other countries wich conditions are literally considered unethical in the country the goods are sold. But to a lesser degree also the bad conditions of work in many field.
Taking healthcare as a exemple, how do you expect a nurse to sell her work at a higher price. If you want a nurse to give the best service to society or even be ethical, you can’t raise the price?
So it goes either way, either healthcare become expensive. Or like in my country, it’s free, but the conditions becomes worse and worse. Both being bad for society.
So maybe not the goal, but a goal of society is to distribute those resources correctly. Simply because it’s necessary for us to live together.
- Comment on Reification 1 year ago:
Because we have limited resources, no riches can come to you without profiting of the work of others. If you really want to get your own view you can just look for yourself how rich people got their wealth and judge by yourself is that normal.
I meant that for the extremely wealthy to be precise.
Some moderately rich people are actually contributing positively. They are examples of what capitalism used to be, a system that wasn’t perfect but could still lead society in a positive direction, sometimes better than the alternatives.
Redistribution of resources only works to some extent. Not to redistribute all the wealth in one go sure, but to balance the inequity continuously. For exemple taxe on income could be such a way. And like you said some rich people are ok with it and are philanthropic even.
But the true goal of society would be to distribute riches correctly in the first place. So we don’t have to rely on philanthropy.
And yeah i don’t think capitalism distribute it correctly. So it’s theirs in our capitalistic society, but it isn’t rightfully in my opinion.
- Comment on Reification 1 year ago:
My point of view is that the money all capitalist have is a resource that was taken from the rest of us. So donating all of it back would just be the bare minimum someone can do.
After donating all of it back, you’re right we also need to figure out a plan to distribute it properly in the first place, and most important make a system and society that’s gonna provide for everyone.
And no kidding no one found a answer to that, from the beginning of human society we only very briefly achieved some systems that’s almost there. But no one never had the answer. There is always some problems in any society.
What i know for sure is that capitalism is not only not the answer, but is actually a system that’s getting more and more corrupted, with increasing problems. To the point it’s leading us directly to a wall.
So in all the different view we can have of the world, all the different system we can use for society, there is no right system, there is worse than capitalism, but there is also better. I strive for not the definitive best, just better…
- Comment on Reification 1 year ago:
Isn’t any tyrants left in the west, the system is the one being tyrannical. No head will fall and capitalism will end.
And the system is revolt proof. So it doesn’t care for the people one bit. Hence it can call anything good for the population “Socialism”, as in the enemy.
Capitalism was good but it’s time let it go, it failed us.
- Comment on Reification 1 year ago:
Circuses isn’t socialism, it’s a pretty useful tool of capitalism, even though it ruins it in some cases.
Bread though, no capitalist will ever share their bread. Or anything for that matter.
- Comment on How I cannot be worry?? 1 year ago:
You’re homeless, just buy a house.
You’re sick, just stop.
You’re sad, just don’t.
You’re depressed, just be happy.
- Comment on Very basic expectations 1 year ago:
A fellow hydrohomie
- Comment on Hot earth 1 year ago:
So do you think earth will land on heads or tails?
- Comment on Aliens decide to communicate with us 1 year ago:
Well yes please, fix us.
Although i doubt we have anything worthy of hand rubbing for them. But hey, at least we’re making jobs!
- Comment on Aliens decide to communicate with us 1 year ago:
I’ll gladly take aliens trying to cure me of an ADHD and depression i don’t have if they can also cure us of religions and capitalism.
More importantly you going to therapy and improving yourself the way you described it, that in itself is sincerely the best exemple we can show an alien, ever.
- Comment on Aliens decide to communicate with us 1 year ago:
That’s good they’ll think it’s the norm… And we can seduce their female (if they exist).
- Comment on Aliens decide to communicate with us 1 year ago:
Probably short for irradiated. Gotta get that RadAway immediately!
- Comment on Do not overeat! 1 year ago:
Yes, glad we could establish that, it’s a rule now!
- Comment on Do not overeat! 1 year ago:
Wait a minute you might be on to something, is that what desserts are for?
- Comment on I figured they were found in the cabbage patch... 1 year ago:
Not not the cabbages…
- Comment on It's finally over. 1 year ago:
Well then who said the guy tying people to the tracks could not be just stopped and put to jail.
No need for any violence here, i doubt this guy is really dangerous, he’s just a crazy philosophy nerd.
- Comment on How to keep a man 1 year ago:
To be fair i never seen boiled chicken, but i can’t imagine why i would ever see it.
- Comment on How to keep a man 1 year ago:
At least here the chicken isn’t RAW
- Comment on How to keep a man 1 year ago:
The basement evidently.
- Comment on Do not overeat! 1 year ago:
Food gives you energy after your body process it.
If you want quick energy take a sugary snack, but don’t expect it to last.
If you want energy for the day take a full meal, but then you need some chilling time for your body to digest.
Such are the trades of life my friend.
- Comment on frog 1 year ago:
Probably less likely to encounter war in a pond, but i’m not a frog so i wouldn’t know for sure.
- Comment on Scientists successfully replicate historic nuclear fusion breakthrough three times 1 year ago:
Yes i immediately deleted my answer after i saw i confused the two. My bad, i wasn’t aware of NIF before.
- Comment on Scientists successfully replicate historic nuclear fusion breakthrough three times 1 year ago:
Let’s be honest a research isn’t at the expense of others but greedy politicians and CEO’s are at the expense of every research and everything we researched.
In France we got a lot of nuclear fission, probably the best idea we could invest in right? Except investors took any money they could and we never spent enough on upkeep of the facilities nor the next generation of qualified workers. And now we got old power plant that are very hard to deal with.