Man I hate to tell you this but a good chunk of the content you’re describing is already written by AI. Thats a huge driver behind how shit it’s all gotten.
Comment on The New Luddites Aren’t Backing Down 1 year ago
The author states that she’s been a tech writer for 10 years and that she thinks AI is going to ruin journalism because it gives too much power to AI providers.
But, have you seen the state of journalism? AI killing it would just be an act of mercy at this point. How much SEO optimized, grammatically correct, appropriately filtered, but ultimately useless “content” do I really need to sift through to get even something as simple as a recipe?
The author can bemoan AI until she’s blue in the face, but she’s willfully ignoring that the information that most people get today is already controlled by a handful of people and organizations. 1 year ago 1 year ago
AI will make all of that So Much Worse.
Hell, it already has. 1 year ago
I often use chatgpt to summarize articles for me. 1 year ago
Journalists use AI to write longer articles. People use AI to summarize those articles.
The circle of LLMs.