That was youtube, before it was sold.
There will never be another one again. Storage, Bandwidth, Server, etc etc costs would be too astronomical for anyone but another multi-billion dollar company to spin up a competitor.
Comment on YouTube now suggests new content *by colour* 1 year ago
Has anyone else noticed that if a video says ‘like and subscribe’ the subscribe button does a little animation to draw your eye to it?
Really wish there was a better way to host videos that doesn’t require a multibillion dollar company’s backing
That was youtube, before it was sold.
There will never be another one again. Storage, Bandwidth, Server, etc etc costs would be too astronomical for anyone but another multi-billion dollar company to spin up a competitor.
Not much server storage and bandwidth is needed if using p2p, like peertube.
and considering i’ve never heard about it until you just mentioned it, I guess that means its very not big and very not a youtube competitor.
I believe it works like Bittorent (and things like Windows updates) where there is a swarm of peers that simultaneously upload and download to/from eachother, so the original creator, or any single user, doesn’t necessarily need much bandwidth. There are some disadvantages to this, but it is manageable, and works for many other things. If it actually became a thing, I imagine sponsored/patreon-funded creators would pay someone to seed their videos to ensure availability and quality. Fans would probably help too. Technically, it’s a viable option.
But yeah, with how walled-garden the Internet has become, it probably won’t become popular without massive amounts of marketing and doing things like signing exclusivity deals with popular creators, which needs a lot of money.
Floatplane is more of a pattern competitor than YouTube.
What’s wrong with visually indicating the thing being talked about? 1 year ago For now. But people keep uploading full copyrighted movies to it and there appears to be no content moderation, so at some point there will be a massive lawsuit and it will be shut down. And that will be an incredibly sad day because it is currently also a source of useful public domain footage like the Prelinger Archives. Without the Internet Archive, we will not have a non-commercial archive of public domain footage.