“I can’t make it to D&D tonight.”
“Why not? Are you afraid of the beholder fight?”
“No man, I gotta be the President.”
“Aww man that sucks… Well, try not to nuke anybody, I guess.”
Comment on Let’s try it?
Kolanaki@yiffit.net 1 year ago
Being president should be like jury duty. Everyone has to do it eventually. And it sucks just as much.
“I can’t make it to D&D tonight.”
“Why not? Are you afraid of the beholder fight?”
“No man, I gotta be the President.”
“Aww man that sucks… Well, try not to nuke anybody, I guess.”
It’s legitimately a fucked up job for most people. You’re on call 24/7, the stress is so bad you can literally watch presidents prematurely age, you have to smile at people who make you want to puke, and you are legitimately trapped in the security circle.
Yeah there’s a lot of perks but I’ll keep my application to myself.
evidences@lemmy.world 1 year ago
I’ve done jury duty once, my group didn’t even get called into the court room so the worst part was just listening to the conversations of 50 other people bitching about how they had better things to do, such children.