Comment on Would magically turning all trans people into the gender they want to be be unethical? 1 year ago
The cool thing is that I, a trans woman, am already a woman! Gender is a whole complicated thing, and I think maybe you have a simplistic idea of what it means to be trans. it isn’t “I wish i was a girl” so much as it is “my body/my mind/the way society treats me (some, all, or none of these) is wrong” so, from that perspective. it’d be pretty invasive to force change onto people without their consent-it’s their body, after all!
I think offering physical changes individually to trans people would be the most ethical approach. Everyone is different, and everyone wants different things. TMI but I, as an example, have no interest in bottom surgery, but am happily on hormones.
It’s important to remember that this is just one person’s opinion, too. Take it with some salt, and feel free to ask any follow-up questions if you’re interested in my perspective 1 year ago
First of all, I really wanted to hear opinions of trans people. What are the reasons why someone would choose not to have bottom surgery? I expect some people simply can’t afford it or find it too much of a hassle. 1 year ago
Many trans people also just don’t have any dysphoria regarding their genitals. 1 year ago
Surgery is terrifying! If you have no or mild dysphonia then the idea of someone removing part of you or otherwise changing it is quite disturbing even if the end result is appealing. And that’s if the end result is appealing - it isn’t for everyone. Gender isn’t necessarily tied to what’s in your pants at all. 1 year ago
Well, my hypothetical scenario implies an instantaneous 100% change with a 100% functionality, at zero cost, specifically for that reason. 1 year ago
I’m sure, if offered, many people would accept the change.