No 4chan knows what’s up when it comes to animal abuse.
Comment on What's a good way to report animal abuse on YouTube? The report menu doesn't seem to allow for it 1 year agoEncouraging such a dangerous action is irresponsible. Innocent people have died because law enforcement went to the wrong address. Please, do not SWAT people, or encourage it. 1 year ago 1 year ago
I disagree. We should be SWATting each other left and right until enough toddlers get flash banged that we are forced to rethink the entire concept. Apparently two toddlers isn’t enough, gotta pump those numbers UP! 1 year ago
Yep. Reported the person for suggesting it. 1 year ago
This is 100% a police problem. Over here, if you send police at my door, we are going to have a chat. It might be unpleasant, but the odds of weapons being drawn is very small.
You can’t blame 4chan for the fact that you have a militarized police force staffed by traumatized COIN veterans using military tactics to respond to unsubstantiated anonymous calls. 1 year ago
Yeah everyone on the internet seems to think america is the entire world 1 year ago
SWAT is an American special police force, so the discussion would naturally involve America.
The French equivalent would probably be sending in GIGN with a false call. The German equivalent would be GSG9. Austraila would be I think SERT.
Regardless, “SWATing” is massively overkill and far more dangerous to innocent people than just calling regular law enforcement to report potential animal abuse. 1 year ago
Or equivalent is DSI, the special intervention service. We don’t dispatch DSI based on anonymous calls. “DSI’ing someone“ is therefore not a thing. But “SWATting” is. There’s a Dutch equivalent of SWAT but bit of SWATting because in our society you don’t send out a heavily armed team of professional killers to check prank calls.
This is not a “SWAT is an American special police force, so the discussion would naturally involve America” kind of discussion.
It’s a “only in the US the state tries to kill everyone in your horse because of anonymous fake telephone calls” kind of conversation.