In the past week, there have been two YouTube links, one of which was an academic-style video.
Comment on Border Crisis: Shocking Data Reveals Illegal Immigrants Outnumber American Births 1 year ago
I keep clicking on these conservative posts hoping to find one worth up voting because I’m tired of the extremist left politics on Lemmy… but clickbait YouTube videos?
Is this just a misinformation effort to divide people or what? 1 year ago 1 year ago
Fair enough, I’ll keep looking for conservative content I feel I can up vote. Fwiw I didn’t downvote this post and did up vote your comment.
Just trying to balance out the radicalism on here, and conservative ideology does have some valid points. 1 year ago
Yeah, that’s reasonable. I just left my retort because something I see extremely frequently in online discussion is people feigning friendlinesswbile raising cherry picked issues. I’m not saying that you’re doing it, but I figured it merited a response to see your thoughts.
As someone who posts here (as well as the other conservative community), I’m curious what it is that you’re looking for but don’t see. There’s definitely some bottom of the barrel content, as with any community, but most of it seems pretty solid. 1 year ago
Yeah understandable, there are a lot of radicalized useful idiots on here. I’ve come close to giving up on Lemmy because it’s an extremist echo chamber sometimes. People who clearly don’t have much experience in life and a limited understanding of sociopolitical dynamics will advocate violence to get what they want. People downvote me here simply because I haven’t closed my mind like them.
A couple examples of conservative ideals I like are emphasis on efficient government, limiting centralized power, ensuring personal rights, and supporting families as an important social structure. Capital punishment makes sense to me in cases where guilt is clear and rehabilitation very unlikely to succeed. 1 year ago
I didn’t think it was clickbait, the graphs he presents are all sourced 1 year ago
I am conservative but I’m not religious. They places me about in the middle of most things since I’m not trying to annoy the religious and I’m not beating the Bible. Extreme left or right is dangerous. Any ideology that ignores other viewpoints is concerning. 1 year ago
“I am very smart.”