Here’s the thing, Google has changed. Over time, they’ve restructured themselves.
Google still has amazing programmers and engineers.
The trouble is that their expertise is in crafting systems that harvest personal information, expertise in other areas has been left to rot because there’s no point in improving them.
Gmail is already entrenched, as is search, YouTube, maps, android, etc.
They aren’t going to attract a significant amount more customers, so their main avenue for continued growth has been to become better at harvesting and processing data.
For a while that was fine, but now that the expertise has been lost, Google can’t make good products. They don’t have the ability to do so. Not unless the product you want is a telemetry system.
It’s a part of why Google starts then kills so many projects. They want to expand to collect more data, but they don’t have the ability to create good services anymore, so it just ends up being an advanced data collector with a sub-par app/website on top of it. The company just isn’t structured to make things in any other way. 11 months ago
Google has really been dropping the ball a lot more publicly lately 11 months ago
Was over for me when I opt out out of some of their data tracking shit and they started captcha’ing me everything I browsed there. Like wtf Google what are you anymore? Sounds dumb but them changing the banner every week was the start of the end. 11 months ago
Changing the banner for like holidays and anniversaries of things isn’t an issue for me IMO
But yeah all their tracking shit that you can’t opt out of is a big problem and a big part of why I’m pulling away from Google as much as I can 11 months ago
Not saying it was an issue just was a significant change in how they did things.