My problem with fair phone is that they use old hardware.
I never replaced any parts on my old phone and only replaced the phone with a new one because it was getting really slow. I replaced the xr with an iPhone 15.
So my concern with the fair phone is that I’ll replace it with faster hardware more frequently than I would have replaced a no repairable phone that’s faster. 1 year ago
On Fairphone, they flat out refuse to even discuss adding a headphone jack (check the posts in their forums - it’s a “hands over ears” no) so I’m sticking with Sony/ASUS (the latter atm as they’ve been slightly less anticompetitive recently but I’d much rather go to a decent company) until they do… It’s not like you notice a phone being 1mm thicker when you have a 3mm case on it anyway 1 year ago
It seems we all have our dealbreakers. I love the Zenfone but the lack of software updates is a hard no from me. 1 year ago
Their answer is buying the usb-c to 3mm adapter. If you keep that connecter in you bag, ot connected to your headphones, you should be fine most of the time. Unless you would like to charge and listen to audio at the same time.
To me, that feels like a solid design choice, but yes we all have our dealbreakers. 1 year ago
Damned asus. Refusing to have a microsd card slot on a single rog phone, ever.