The conversation was in English, though. I’m sympathetic to your argument – if we all spoke Lojban, as we ought to, then pronouns would be computable from display names and nouns would be non-gendered; however, when speaking English, please be aware of the centuries of colonialism baked into the linguistics.
Comment on Instance admin updates + Blahaj 1 year ago
This is so dumb you should defed with Blahaj in principle. I don’t even use this instance but it’s kinda pathetic that you guys have to deal with this.
Apparently defending oneself from attacks in a discussion is “aggression”. No consequences for the others in that thread I assume.
It’s also completely insane that the use of “they” to refer to anyone would be soft transphobia. That’s one of the main purposes of that word - especially on the internet. Some languages don’t even have he/she it’s literally just THEY in their language e.g Tagalog has ‘sila’ for singular ‘they’ and ‘sha’ for plural they. There is no he/him/her/she in that language. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Yeah sure like blacklist instead of exclusion list. I get it. Really I do. I feel like saying you’re progressive instantly means you aren’t - so I still won’t say it.
They/them is a way to refer to anyone without making ANY assumptions about gender - because it’s entirely unnecessary to do so. I don’t see how calling someone who identifies as female ‘they’ has any affect on someone who is transgendered or specifically prefers they/them identifiers. It sounds like the intent there is that they/them is exclusive for transgender…which as of this time I can’t agree with.
If it’s done intentionally to disparage trans allies then sure - that makes good sense - but this clearly wasn’t done in bad faith. 1 year ago
Ex-list and inc-list are a lot more intuitive too. 1 year ago
Fucksake. Can we please stop escalating petty grievances to instance-wide disruptions? It shouldn’t even be on a hypothetical table.