Read the comment again, closely. Arguing the Israeli government has a policy of rape is pretty gross. 1 year ago
The proverbial they are trying to keep the equivalence of Israel = All Jews. They want more people to criticize Israel to further the racist narrative.
You could be Jewish, you could be Israeli. And you could say you don’t approve of the apartheid or genocide by Israel, and you’d be labeled a racist. Now leave out those last two words, and you’re fine.
It would be similar if an American said they didn’t approve of the genocide against the American first Nations by the US Government. Except you don’t get called racist for it. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Yes, and in talking with someone else here, I realized that what you’re saying is pretty accurate and modified my viewpoint. Probably in the future I wouldn’t say something like that.
That’s the great stuff that happens when you let people say things, even if sometimes they are wrong. It would never have happened if I hadn’t come here to whine about my removed comment which actually led to a conversation about it. 1 year ago
That’s not a position I’m arguing. It may have been part of the reason he was banned. But not relevant to my argument.
And no modern army has rape as a policy, explicit or implied. Many turn a blind eye to it when it does occur, but hardly policy. Even Russia, with documented cases in Ukraine, don’t have it written down. 1 year ago
Well, you’re arguing that there’s some wider conspiracy etc. And in public discourse, ehhhhhh it’s more a very tricky line to walk.
But if you’re not talking in response to why this person has their comment removed, then it doesn’t seem particularly relevant.
It reminds me of when people are talking about the latest police killing of an unarmed Black man and a right winger comes in to talk about Black on Black violence statistics, not particularly relevant and it feels like they’re doing it to demonize the group in question. 1 year ago
Ok. If that’s the way you feel about it. 1 year ago
I think it has a lot to do with the American election. The Israeli government has put the Biden administration in a real bind now. If they don't support Israel, they lose the Jewish vote. Now they are losing young people by supporting Israel. Israel greatly benefits from Republicans.