Is there a community for criticisms of moderation? I’d subscribe to that 1 year ago
This is not an appropriate community to post this. 1 year ago 1 year ago
I posted in a meta community 1 year ago
I disagree. Issues of where to draw the line as to what represents “free speech and debate” and what represents “toxic behavior” and how to deal with the latter without squashing the former are pretty central to the fediverse fulfilling its potential, and concrete examples of how it’s playing out in practice are part of that conversation. In my opinion.
There’s a certain portion of it that honestly is just sour grapes on my part, yeah, which isn’t ideal for this forum. I can admit that. But the issue at the heart of it is also an important issue to discuss if this is to be a worthwhile platform. In my opinion. 1 year ago
I don’t see how it relates at all. The mod made a decision for their server and followed it through. That seems pretty fediverse to me. What would also be purely fediverse is if you created your own server then you could post whatever you wanted. 1 year ago
Well, I made a decision for my user account to create my post, and followed it through. That also seems pretty fediverse to me. And yet, here you are, trying to create a comment saying you disagree with my decision. In a public forum no less. 1 year ago
Yay, free speech at its finest. You having a right to say something doesn’t exonerate you from the consequences of said thing, nor does it protect you from other’s opinions about what you said. You’re butthurt, noted. Why should we care? 1 year ago
yeah, and the owner of the server can swoop in and remove both if they wanted. That was my point?
Or you can build your own server and leave whatever comment you want and not remove it. 1 year ago
You just said
and are complaining when one of your comments get removed. From your post it doesn’t seem like a trend of the fediverse 1 year ago
I was saying that recently as a big point in the Lemmy-portion-of-the-fediverse’s favor, then after that, these events happened and belied my early statement. 1 year ago
Yeah but this the first time it’s happened to you right?