It is the vehicle of their abuse.
You ain’t walking across the USA, but you can easily drive it in 3 days.
Comment on Outrage in Iran after woman whipped for refusing to wear hijab 1 year agoPeople abuse other People. Concepts and ideas do not. Religion is not remotely involved in anything a fundamentalist does except as their excuse.
It is the vehicle of their abuse.
You ain’t walking across the USA, but you can easily drive it in 3 days.
Not relevant as it is just their excuse and beard, in no way the vehicle.
Oh, and you certainly can walk across the USA as People have done so.
You know what I meant. Imagine if the list of fundamentalist psychos was the same length as the walked across the USA list.
Religion is a catalyst, an enabler of violence. It provides a framework, and a justification. This empowers those who would otherwise bite their tongues to act.
So, an excuse, exactly as I stated. Thanks for thinking it through. 1 year ago
It adds nothing to the world except an excuse for suffering. 1 year ago
Where as Religion is the only reason we have most of the ancient texts we have since the monks copied them, your claim is patently false. In addition to the suffering being exclusively done by People often against the direct instructions of their religion's teachings, perhaps you bias need a bit of fine tuning. 1 year ago
This u…/4471087 1 year ago
yup. Did you have a point? 1 year ago
A good reverse example would be the old testament, which speaks openly of killing sodomites, but western cultures are by far the most progressive on gay rights; even the vatican itself is more tolerant than much of the world. 1 year ago
Can't take a book edited for political reasons literally. Example: the religious prohibition to pork was about Cholera and not an edict from on high.